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As the fire spread to lower parts of the castle toad starts to finally take notice.

"Wait, what's that- HOLY SH*T" screamed Toad, when he looked over to the other side of the castle and he saw a blazing fire with an unaware Luigi standing obliviously next to it

"Oh, yeah Weegee number one" Weegee bosted as he triumphed over another Super Mario level.

"Hmmm I smell a fire," he questioned only to come to the realization that the fire he smelled was the one on his green cap.

"YEAHHHHHH" Weegee screams in pain before he starts blindly running around like a chicken with its head cut off.

(Bob was here too because I need more characters)

Bob was lying around on the floor admiring his pile of garbage when he saw the fire he "NO I Must protect the garbage" he picked up his garbage and threw them out of the window into the safety of the outside.

As Meggy approaches the castle she sees roaring flames shoot out of the windows, and smoke seeping through gaps in the roof. All the while she saw toad sprinting out of the castle with flames engulfing him.

"Fire fire fiyaaa" screams toad in a voice eerily similar to the heavy weapons guy.

And before Meggy could even fathom what had happened he threw himself into the moat around the castle.

"WAIT toad STOP there are crocodiles in there" Meggy screams but she's a little late and toad gets attacked at this point Meggy just moves to the main castle building trying to ignore his screams.

As she enters the castle she sees smg4, Mario, bob, and Weegee running around trying his damned hardest not to die in the blazing castle. quickly Meggy paints the flame with an orange paint quenching most of the flames eventually securing most of the floors.

Mario then shouts "OH YEAH Meggy number 1 yahoo"  cheering her on and dancing in some fashion similar to a Telatubbie on meth.

And as she extinguishes the last fires they all meet in the main hall to understand what in gods name just happened

Hey, guys just wanted to ask if you liked anything or hated anything any way bye.

2020 notes

Not as bad as the first but still pretty crap. if you see any more mistakes I will be very thankful if you inform me about them.

Smg4 mario x meggy The quest to prove marios rightWhere stories live. Discover now