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"Do you need help?" The accented voice sounded from the opposite side of the road, Finn glancing behind them to see the Princess's royal advisor. He stood professional as the five had always seen him, spine straight and hands clasped behind his back. He always seemed to have a soft and welcoming smile, an area which Allura lacked when it came to the group.

"Miles texted Chayse that we were here, did she not get it?"

"Ah, the Yellow Paladin was in 'a zone,' as you humans say it. I was looking over her primitive device and decided not to interrupt her training, along with the other two."

"Oh, that was... nice of you," Finn managed, giving him a forced smile. "I'm sure the three would have enjoyed a break though, haven't they been going at it since we left? Two and a half hours ago?"

"Yes, of course!" Coran grinned widely, his hands coming together in front of his chest. He paused for a moment, before the childish smile quirked downwards. "Oh, that's not... I forget humans have vastly different stamina from Alteans."

"That's alright." Th curve that graced Finn's face was genuine this time, amused by the clueless alien.

"You guys are also stronger, right?" Miles popped up. "Here, carry this." He dropped the heavy bag of dog food into Coran's arms, raising an eyebrow when not so much of even a grunt was let out from his mouth. Soon enough the 15 year old found himself piling bags into the older man's arms, gaping when all but five bags were in his care. "Jeez, I bet you're a good hugger."

"Oh, I am! Won the Universal Bearhug Championship seven times, not an easy feat if I do say so myself!" Coran's eyes lit up once again, Miles wondering how the man could do that after everything he had been through. And those were just the things he knew about. Coran turned to Finn, wiggling his fingers about for he could not move his arms. "Hug?"

"Oh, uh... no thanks," Finn frowned suddenly, shaking their head.

"Ah, shame. We should get situated inside. I'll show you where you can store your things in the kitchen."

Miles and Finn obliged, Crusty the Van locking behind them as Coran led them them back towards the enormous castle. The battleship still held the same position that it did two weeks ago, crushing the wheat under it and creating a shadow that seemed ominous to most. The building was quite the horrifying spectacle fourteen days prior, but slowly it became a place where they were forced by fate to grow accustomed to.

Even if the five were now used to its size, in no way had they memorized the layout. It seemed as though Lia was the only human currently present who could walk into the depths and walk back out with only one or two wrong turns.

𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐏  ,     v:ld [𝘋𝘐𝘚𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘛𝘐𝘕𝘜𝘌𝘋]Where stories live. Discover now