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Allura jumped into action when Chayse grabbed Lia by her hand and began dragging her out of the training room. When she noticed that her feet was moving, Lia jumped out of her trance, the image of the searing yellow eyes burned in the back of her skull.

"Lia, which way is the Red Lion's hangar?" Chayse shouted over the stomping of several pairs of feet, their three friends on their heels. Allura and Coran had weaved their way out of the observation deck, and were running behind the five.

"I don't know!" Lia cried, stumbling on her feet.

"Listen," Chayse explained from over her shoulder. "I've only been in the Yellow Lion a few times since he 'claimed me' or whatever, but I know we're connected. The same has to be the same for you and the Red Lion! Just concentrate!"

Lia wasn't completely sure how she could "concentrate" with Allura shouting for them to stop, and while she was focused on not tripping.

"Trust her!" Rowan shouted from behind them, and Lia did as he said. She closed her eyes, her feet moving on their own as they weaved through the halls. Suddenly she felt a tugging deep in her bones, and a new sensation overcame her very being.

"What the fuck, that's so weird," Lia cringed. "The Lion is in the opposite direction!"

In complete sync, the group of five friends turned on their heels and ran towards the two Alteans. Before Chayse and Lia could make it past them (now in the back of the stampede), Allura grabbed the latter's forearm and shouted for her to stop one last time.

"You will not fly off without warning! You will stay by my side as I guide you through being accepted by your Lion!" Allura gripped tighter on Lia, the two forming similar expressions. Lia tried to swat the Princess away, but it was to no avail.

"Hey! I can't stay here!"

"You quiznaking hooligans are running around my Castle willy-nilly, as if you own the place! It is my job to assist and help the Paladins of Voltron, and if you don't want it then you can guide the universe on your own!"

"Princess, please—" Coran began, but Lia stopped him.

"Isn't the universe at stake or something? We didn't kill your friends, lady, so stop acting like it! If it'll make you feel better, then we can fight to the death." The longer Lia stayed away from the hangar, the more she felt as if her soul was wearing down. Allura exhaled deeply through her nose, and she closed her eyes for a brief moment before they pierced through Lia.

"A week ago I was grieving, which was foolish of me," Allura admitted. "I thought the Yellow Lion choosing a new Paladin meant that Hunk had passed, but there is nothing to prove that thought. So, I will keep hope for all five of the previous Paladins." Her grip on the young adult loosened, and instead her hand moved up to Lia's shoulder. "Until then, the universe is still in grave danger. Without Voltron, there is no hope, which is why I am grateful that the Lions are willing to accept new candidates."

"If you're so grateful then what's with the mood swings?" Finn questioned, watching Allura sharply.

"You have to understand, I was there when the Lions were built by my father, King Alfor. Yes, I was a mere baby, but my whole life has been centered around these beasts. At times, I feel as if they are my protectors. They have saved my life and Coran's on countless occasions, and I am yet to return the favor. That is why I must guide you to your Lion, and help you adjust as fast as possible."

"So..." Lia paused, glancing back to her friends in confusion. "We're good now? Just like that?"

The alien girl dropped her hand from Lia's shoulders as if it were set ablaze. Her mouth settled into a scowl, albeit a smaller one than in previous moments. "I still hold apathy towards life's recent events. The second my friends return you are to leave, and go back to whatever human lives you led. But we must work together for now, and I promise on King Grogery to put aside any differences between us, if you will do the same."

"This is all a bit one sided," Miles finally blurt out. "We kinnddaaa don't hate you. Like, we're on the verge of it, but... y'know."

Allura's eyes widened in shock, and she suddenly glanced down in shame. "Yes, of course," she managed to say. Her frown deepened, but the regret faded away and she looked back up with certainty. "I still stand by my words."

"Okay," Lia nodded, satisfied. "Let's go."

The group of seven trotted to the Red Lion's hangar, five of them catching sight of it for the first time. Lia gasped, hair standing on end as she seemed to make eye contact with the regal creature, who sat proudly. It's barriers had already fallen, as if expecting its new Paladin, and Lia approached it alone.

"Good luck," Coran called softly.

"It's kinda freaky," Chayse mumbled, sending an encouraging peace sign her way. Lia ignored their well wishes, as one does, instead keeping her mind focused on the giant ass alien robot before her. She barely blinked as the red clad animal kneeled before her, its jaw unhinging in a welcoming manner.

"Sick," she whispered as she climbed into the cockpit. The interior design matched the exterior, a red glow swashing around her. She looked at the controls curiously, trying to connect them to a microwave. Lia knew her way around a microwave.

Her mind began to drift to the brief picture she had seen of the Red Paladin before her, the one with long black hair and steely eyes. She would gladly admit to anyone that he was hot as hell, but at the moment the thought of him only filled her with sadness. He had sat in the seat she about to put her butt in, and was met with a less than favorable fate.

She tore her mind away from the thoughts as quick as possible, confounded that she had thought them in the first place. She had no connection to that man, until she realized that she did. The Red Lion was their connection, and if the Red Lion was a little more than a robot, then perhaps the emotions she was met with wasn't hers after all.

Lia impatiently rolled her eyes, before jumping into the plush seat and grabbing at the control levers greedily. She pulled one towards her, and her Lion let out a ferocious roar in response.

Welcome home, Red Paladin.

i spit this out for lia and lia only

i feel like allura's development is ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE and im sorry about that ajousbbsibabhs. i tried to fix it up but 😪 i'll just develop her nonverbally from now on

next chapter is filler but it's still 100% important dab

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