VI - hold my hand

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Requested by @jeongsthot from Twitter (lmao this is like more than a year ago im sorry)


It first started in high school, junior year. It was two months after the school had begun but the skies decided it was a good idea to start raining when I was on my way home.

It didn't help either when I was anxious about the English exam I'm sure I'll flunk even though I spent all week studying for it. It's weird how the rain mirrors my feelings right now. It's a bit comforting but not enough to wash my worries away.

"You didn't wait for me." 

A voice broke me out of my pitiful trance, as I stared blankly ahead at the pouring rain, while I wait by the shed just outside the school.

I looked at her and she had her brows up high at me, even though I couldn't see them since her full bangs hid them. But I'm sure they're there, her eyes softly looking at me with her lips twitched in a small smile.

"I was looking for you."

I sighed, looking straight ahead. I don't want her to see how down I was so I purposely left without her. But I guess she knew where to find me. 

Of course, she knew. We always went home together since middle school.

"I was in a hurry. I- I have this essay that I need to finish. Sorry..."

The girl beside me sighed, seeing her nodding to herself from my peripheral vision.

"Right. We almost have all the same subjects but I guess I forgot about that..."

Oh no...

"Or you're lying to me." She turned to me and I was frozen in my seat. 

That was stupid, Kim Jisoo. How can you say such a lame excuse to your best friend?

I glanced at her but she was just smiling at me knowingly. She may be oblivious most of the time but she knows a hell lot about me. I stayed silent and she didn't push it, for which I was thankful of. I honestly don't know what my stupid mouth will say afterwards just to come up with unreasonable excuses.

I saw her stand up and tighten the strap of her backpack around her shoulders. I looked at her and she looked back with that bright smile of hers.

"Come on now." I tilted my head in confusion and she proceeded to pull me out of my seat, rambling protests to her. What is this girl doing?

"Where? If it's not obvious for you, it's raining right now, Lisa."


"We don't have an umbrella."

She sported that incredulous look, shrugging at me like I said something nonsensical.

"So? Screw umbrellas! My favorite person needs her fix of fried chicken and maybe some iced Americano! But I still have to think about that last part because you had tons of caffeine for the past days that it might affect your vertical growth."

I scoffed in offense but I must admit, that made me smile. I glared and pushed her playfully.

"What?! I'm seriously concerned!" She was fighting herself from laughing but we ended up cracking up together. This idiot never fails to lighten up my mood, even if I act all annoyed and tough around her.

She held out her hand in front of me and I stared at it like a dummy I am.

"Hold my hand?"

I smiled at it and as soon as I held it, she ran towards the open, droplets of rain soaking our clothes, pulling me together with her.

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