III - coming home

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People often tell her she knows a lot of things and she secretly takes pride of that compliment. It makes her feel some kind of accomplishment, being recognized at something you did just out of habit.

Though this time she's unsure of it; unsure of when or how it happened. It just did, like an easy game going smoothly that you didn't even notice how it went.

You just know you won in the end.

So when Lisa entered her apartment one night, as if entering her own place, she didn't even questioned it.

When she felt a dip on the couch beside her and a certain scent tickling her nose, she felt at ease knowing she's back within her reach.

When those familiar plump lips came into contact to her slightly cold cheek, she felt it warm up that even her lips can't help tugging into a small smile that the other girl seems oblivious about.

But she knows, Lisa would know with just the mere slight movement of her cheeks even if the girl can't see it.

"Guess what?"

Jisoo hummed, waiting for the girl's response. Lisa was still inches away from her face while her eyes are still glued on her phone, pretending to be busy looking at something in the social media.

"Chaeng just got back from Japan. I asked her to bring home something you definitely like."

That made her quirk her brow but she can't let Lisa know she's excited to know what it was.

"Yeah? And what's that?"

Jisoo locked her phone and put it aside, turning to see Lisa trying to suppress her grin. The other girl propped her leg up on the couch and sat comfortably, facing Jisoo properly with excitement written all over her face.

"You have to guess. Come on."

Jisoo rolled her eyes but of course she loved it whenever they do this. Lisa makes her do things out of the ordinary and she loved every single thing about them. It became their thing.

"Beef jerky?"

Lisa scrunched up her nose.

"I don't know why you like that so much. It's so weird."

"I like it and I can only think of a few things that a person could bring home from Japan. It's sensible to think of beef jerky."

"It is but it's not that. Guess another one."


"Good one but I have to say no."

"Now you have to tell me because I'm running out of guesses." Jisoo leaned her head against the back rest of the couch.

"Fine," Lisa crouched down to get a plastic bag in her backpack placed on the floor. She showed it to the other girl with a toothy grin, "Sweet potatoes!"

Jisoo might have smiled at the enthusiasm Lisa sported, with her eyes sparkling and her bright smile breaking out as soon as she said what she got for the girl.

Yes, she loved those sweet potatoes from Japan. But she loved nothing more than seeing Lisa's warm smile directed towards her. It's as if all the worries in her head are just mere noises that cloud up her mind.

Lisa is warmth personified.

And all she ever wanted to do from then on is follow that particular warmth and brightness wherever it went.

She watched the girl as if she was the muse in the movie, moving in such a dramatic sense with softness and elegance that she can't bear to ignore. Where in fact, Lisa was just doing simple normal things, in which thankfully, she was just trying to boil the sweet potatoes and nothing else, since she's not really the best in the kitchen.

And that's how Jisoo seemed to be under a trance; both of them might be oblivious to it but from another person's perspective, even if Jisoo would tell herself she's subtle and slick at what she does, she's terribly failing to hide the great admiration she has for Lisa.

Not even at times when she teases and pranks the girl, and the other would whine and pout at her.

Not even at the times that she would pretend to be busy with her books or engrossed at her practice games on her computer, while Lisa would hug her from behind and hum tunes, trying to annoy her at any way possible.

She'd always let it pass.

And even if that was always the case, she grew accustomed to them. She'd be bothered if Lisa didn't try to go near her or annoy her with literally anything. She'd be surprised and terribly worried if she went all quiet and gloomy around her.

That would be a scene Jisoo wouldn't want to witness. For it would feel like warmth was gone from her and it would create an imbalance to her world.

Often times, she'd quickly turn away out of embarrassment if she was caught staring. But when Lisa glanced to her and their eyes met for a second, then longer, she didn't even budge.

"What?" Lisa raised a brow, feeling a bit shy at the pair of eyes observing her softly. But that didn't take long as she saw a hint of soft smile appear on Jisoo's angelic features, which she couldn't help mirroring.

"Nothing." She shrugged and started moving over to the other side of the counter where Lisa was. She moved closer to the tall figure and hugged her from behind.

Lisa smiled, slightly blushing. Jisoo isn't the type that initiates contact of any sort. It took her a long time before Jisoo was comfortable enough to do them to her. And she feels extremely special and happy to be at the receiving end of Jisoo's affections.

"I was just watching you. I love watching you." She mumbled against Lisa's back.


"Nothing in particular. I just do."

Lisa didn't question further. Jisoo is always straightforward with her answers and it was more than alright for her. She knows that she speaks her mind truthfully.

Lisa caressed the arms that embraced her body and stayed like that with Jisoo in a few moments. She glanced back at her to see, and smiled widely.

Jisoo released her and Lisa fully turned to see her.

"Watch Disney movies with me while we wait for the sweet potatoes to be ready?"

She jokingly scrunched her face, showing defeat at the suggestion. Lisa's bright smile didn't falter.

"Fine. But you can't expect me to shut up."

"I know, that's why I got you food. That's their job."

Jisoo can't help the chuckles that made their way out of her lips, while the other girl put her arm around her and led them to the living room.

And it's at times like this, even at the adorable or annoying teasing they get into, or at the banters that turn into playful hitting between them, at the end of the day, it's with Lisa that she'll always be wanting to come home to.


A/N: finally finished another prompt request from Twitter. Not proofread as usual lol.

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