II - can you hear me?

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Nyeongan! This is Jisoo. Sorry, I'm not available at the moment-

She tightened her grip at her phone, her knuckles turning white and her breathing getting heavier.

Is it the tenth time? Maybe the sixteenth? She doesn't remember how many times she'd tried calling the same number all over again, hearing the same old voice and words from the other line for the nth time and she's beginning to lose her wits.



"One more time. Just one more- God damn it!"

A tear dropped on her phone's screen as she tried pressing the number again. She wiped it clean before successfully calling the contact with shaking hands.

"Nyeongan! This is Jisoo. Sorry, I'm not available at the moment. Please leave a message after the beep."

Lisa bit her lip all throughout the voice message, expecting a different response to her call. She released a shaky breath, realizing the tone wouldn't change even if she called a hundred times more.

"Jisoo-ah? Are you there?" She asked in a soft desperate voice, waiting for the girl to answer; waiting for a miracle to turn things around.

She whimpered, hugging her legs closer to her chest, making herself as small as possible in the dark room, feeling the coldness of the floor against her feet.

She couldn't stop the tears from flowing anymore.

"Can you hear me?" Her voice broke, feeling her chest contract as the air in her lungs try to find its way out of her system. She let out a bitter laugh as she thought how stupid she sounded.

"Of course you can't. You didn't even flinch when I called out to you earlier at the emergency room."

Images of Jisoo laying lifeless at the hospital bed, face and body covered with blood which also stained Lisa's hands as she held a tight hold on the girl's cold hands flashed on her mind. The nurses and her friends had to pull her out of the room as the staff took Jisoo away.

"That's so unfair. It's so unfair, I can't accept it!" She continued sobbing.

"Out of all the people in the streets, it had to be you! Why did it have to be you that fucking car crashes into!"

Lisa's screams echoed in the room, wanting Jisoo to hear her wherever she is. The overwhelming pain is reflecting to her physically but she didn't mind anymore. She's starting to get numb at every punch she threw against the hard cold wall.

She rested her forehead against the wall for a moment as she continued crying against it, still holding the phone on call by her ear.

"I can't forget how excited you were when you saw me across the street. You were smiling so wide at me and I couldn't even hide my own excitement that I had to wave my hands to you." 

The scene sent a pang at her chest, feeling the pain double at the sight of the bright smile that she loved so much.

"You were so beautiful. You are beautiful, my love. You don't even know how much beauty you hold inside you...and now it's gone."

Her left hand gripped her hair, trying to keep her sanity intact, as if it would help her calm down. She shut her eyes tightly, tears stinging them from crying for hours straight. She hasn't drank any water either, making her throat dry and sore, and her head ache getting worse. She licked her lips as another wave of images flashed in her head.

"I was- I was twenty steps away from you, across the street." She paused, gritting her teeth together as she felt her head throb at the memory. "I had twelve seconds left before the walk sign turns green- to cross the street to get to you... Twelve long seconds."

Lisa let out a shaky breath, feeling her own body tremble at the horrible scene she witnessed.

"And it only took five quick seconds for them to take your life- to take you away from me..."

She pouted, feeling ridiculously helpless at the moment. She looked fragile and vulnerable, and all she wanted was to finally hug the girl after a long week of not being able to. But all she got was a hug from a cold lifeless body and a heart shattered to pieces.

"I told you to keep it together while I held you in my arms at the sidewalk, not knowing it was me that should be holding it together, because losing you is also losing myself in the process."

"Jisoo, I lost myself when I lost you."

"You looked at me- it was worth a five second look but it felt longer. I told you I love you, and all you gave me was a smile so soft and small, almost unnoticeable but I knew. I stared at you a hell lot of times before to memorize that tiny detail of your face."

She hastily wiped the tears on hear cheeks with the back of her hand. The tears stopped flowing, feeling like she already let them all out. Her eyes started stinging worse at every blink she makes.

"I told you I love you. Did you hear me?" She pleaded, "I hope you did."

The tears may have stopped for now, but the pain in her chest remains. Exhaustion starts to wash over her, with her senses slowly fading out. With a heavy heart, she let out a sound that her sore throat and hoarse voice could make.

"Jisoo, I miss you. Can you hear me?"


A/N: prompt request from Twitter

cosmos | lisooजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें