IV - last dance

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Requested by @jisuuschrist on Twitter

Flashbacks are italicized.


She took a deep breath and tried to let the air escape through her nose as quiet as possible to keep the other person from asking her what's going on with her.

"Lisa? Are you there?" The voice on the other line asked. She pinched the bridge of her nose, thinking of possible ways to escape the questions being thrown at her.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"So, can I expect you to come to my wedding?" The voice was soft, almost hesitant to ask it all over again, fearing that she wouldn't get the response she wanted.

Lisa pursed her lips before speaking, hoping she'd say the right answer; the right decision for her and for the both of them.

"S-sure. Of course, I'll be there." She sighed quietly.

The sound of the other girl's excited gasp made Lisa's lips twitch in a small smile. It was still the same; it was their thing. Lisa would always do anything to make her smile.

Even if it costed her her own happiness.

"You don't know how happy that makes me. See you soon, Lisa."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'll see you."

As the phone ended, she laughed at herself bitterly knowing that she was kidding herself again.

She knew she already missed it; her world. And here she was trying to get herself together again after a long time of moving on without her.

She wouldn't consider them as best friends. Chaeyoung would've whined all day and night to her if she ever told her that she had another best friend.

They were just close friends that got too close to have something that normal friends wouldn't have.

She wouldn't consider themselves as lovers either, for the term connotes having mutual feelings— which they didn't have.

Since she was the only one caught with her feelings from the very start.

She craned her neck, looking for the particular petite girl from the crowd of people in the dark hall. Lisa only went to this dance because of her.

When she turned to a corner, she saw her standing there with her other friends wearing a big smile plastered on her face. She padded over to where she was excitedly.

She always stood out from the crowd. Always the brightest one in the room.

"Hey, you're here. I was looking for you."

"Lisa!" She immediately gave her a quick hug and waving good bye to the girls she was talking to. She pulled Lisa away with her where it wasn't too crowded.

"You know me. I'm everywhere."

"I do. Well, if you said yes to the guys asking you for tonight's dance, you'd be glued to one place with a chaperone." She laughed.

"That's why I didn't. One, guys are just annoying. Two, I like roaming around with food in hand. It's the ideal thing to do."

"Well, I'm glad you don't have a chaperone."

"I'm glad you're alone too. We can be alone together. That's the only way I'd want to spend this night." Jisoo beamed, making Lisa mirror the act.

The loud upbeat songs died down and the couples started to go in the middle of the dance floor as the slow dance started.

The two of them fell silent for a moment, both of them observing the people around them going mellow with the songs for a while.

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