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So can we all just take a moment and pray for my dear friend Tristan Devlin because, I am going to KILL HIM!

So him and I went to Applebee's to eat and you know I'm all shaky and nervous like any other girl would be if they were finally officially meeting the love of her life.

So we're waiting and we're waiting and we order our food and Adam still hadn't made an appearance. Tristan told me Adam was just running a little late.

So I tried to calm myself down because, every minute we waited for Adam the more antsy I got. I waited and waited for the sexy hunk of meat to walk through the doors.

When our food arrive the waitress asked us if our third person of our party was still coming.

I replied with a yes but, then Tristan whispered something to her and she looked at me like she felt sorry for me. I replied with a confused face while she walked away.

"What did you just tell her?" I asked.

He had a mischievous smile on his face. "Oh just that you and your boyfriend just broke up and that you're not over him." He replied. "Oh and also that you're crazy and you think he's coming back to you."

"You did not." I glared.

He shrugged. "I did. He's not coming Sav."

And that is why I hate this guy.

He is always playing games with me.

So, I made him play a game too.

Wet T-shirt contest.

After his confession to being the infamous asshole that he is as he never even invited Adam out to eat in the first place, I threw my water in his face. Lots of people stared at us and there were a few gasps here and there. But I couldn't find an ounce of care in me to be bothered but those around us.

I stomped away from him heading towards the exit when I heard him call out, "Would now be a bad time to say I forgot my money at home?"

I should have left him there to wash dishes or something. But then I remembered he was my ride and the walk back to our apartment was too far for me.

So, not only did he lie to me and get my hopes up but, I had to pay for mine and his meal.

To continue his being an ass streak for the day, when we got home he told me he had money the whole time.

Now, two days have passed and my anger still had not subsided since then.

But, today was the first day of classes!

I couldn't tell if I was excited to finally start college or the fact that I didn't have to see Tristan for who knows how many hours.

I didn't know what he was majoring in or what classes he was taking at what time but, I didn't care. Why would I?

I was brushing my teeth with my black fluffy towel wrapped around my body and another wrapped around in my wet hair, when there was a bang on the bathroom door.

I jumped.

"What?" I screamed with my mouth full of toothpaste.

"Hurry up. I need to get in the shower!" I rolled my eyes. But, before I knew what was happening the bathroom door opened and in walked Tristan.

Why did I not lock the door? Because I'm an idiot that's why.

I spit out my toothpaste quickly. "Dude what the hell! What if I was naked?" I crossed my arms over my chest. I saw him look down at my breast that were squished closer together now because of the action.

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