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Somebody tell Cosmo and Wanda that they're not fooling anyone on the cover. But, for whoever is reading this thank you so much for even clicking on my story! It means I did something right and I hope I can keep you here for the whole story :) enough talking and on with the story!

"No, wrong hole! Wrong hole!" I scream.

"Hush, I know what I'm doing." He barked.

"Clearly not. If it doesn't fit it doesn't go there. Did you learn nothing with the blocks that you had to fit with their shape when you were little?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"No. I was too busy doing more educated things with them.. I was throwing them at your head. Which, probably explains why you are the way you are today." He sharply shot back.

I think back to when the annoying Tristan Devlin and I were in preschool. There I was looking cute as ever being my innocent self. And then there was him. Bratty Tristan Devlin thought he deserved everything and that he should get everything he wanted.

I'm sorry Tristan but life isn't Burger King. You can't always have it your way.

Even through our infant years we hated each other. The deep burning hatred inside of us still 16 years later from those preschool days, still burned on, burning more and more every single day.

And our parents? Oh boy.

You'd think that now because him and I are older and our hormones are flying everywhere that they wouldn't even allow us to be alone in the same room together. Do they know what children our age do these days? I'll tell you what .. do things that lead to children!

Honestly I feel like our parents want us to end up together. Since they were little our mothers always dreamed about their kids becoming best friends. But, since Tristan and I put on such a fantastic acting show they think that we're both secretly in love with each other.

Little do they know I might kill the guy in his sleep.

"Less daydreaming, more helping. This table isn't going to put itself together Sav." He spoke with his annoying normal voice.

I cringe at the nickname. It's not so much the nickname I hate, I actually really like it and wished more people called me by it. I just hate it because he's the one saying it. Anytime he talks I just want to punch him in the throat.

"Do you want me to drop it on your head? Because I will." I threatened.

I've always been a good girl. So why was I getting punished with his presence through my whole life? I must have been a serial killer in my past life. Maybe this is my punishment. I'm sorry world! I think I've suffered enough.

Out of all people my mother could have become friends with she just had to befriend the person that was carrying Satan's child.

"Whatever," he stood up from his spot on the floor. "It's finished."

I let go of the table top that I was holding up for him. I stepped back and looked at the finished product. Not half bad.

After what felt like years, we were finally finished moving into our new apartment. Only 1,370 more days until we graduate college. Meaning only 1,370 more days until I'm off on my own doing whatever I please, including never having to see Tristan Devlin another day in my life.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" He asked.

This question was always the hardest question to answer with him. I hated Tristan with a burning passion, but food was my life. I'd be nowhere without it.

Sleeping With the EnemyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ