I think I miss my mate.
No, I actually miss my Beam very badly.


Beam’s POV

I was about to exit our building when I saw Forth from afar, sitting in our gang’s usual place. It looks like he is waiting for someone. Is he waiting for me? I gasped on the thought.

Pha and Kit already went out to have their lunch with their respective boyfriend. I refused to join just to become the third or fifth wheel. I started to hate the feeling of being ignored or abandoned whenever we are all together.

I look at him intently. My heart is pounding so hard against my ribcage with just the sight of him. The memory of that night is still clear in my mind. My face flushed red with just the thought of it.

If the facts about mates will be considered and if it is really true, then it is undeniably correct that Forth is indeed my mate.

But the idea behind the so-called mates is the thing I actually doubt. If it is true then why did some of them still go on separate ways? And why is it always the omegas that suffer the most? I hate it.

I look at him one more time, and then go on the opposite direction, walking away from him. He is an alpha anyway, he can just have other mates as many as he want.


3rd Person POV

The laboratory teacher gave them an assignment that should be done in three days where in they were grouped in to two. Apparently, Kit bribed Phana using their boyfriends’ friendship, so that he will choose him over Beam to be his partner on the activity. Good thing Phun, his cousin, is also his classmate, so he just asked him to be his partner.

Phun has a different circle of friends and spends most of his time with his mate. Thus, since he is mated early in high school and prefers to be with him, even if they are relatives he is not included in the Insane Med Gang.

After classes, Phun asked Beam if they can meet his boyfriend first before they proceed on their work. He knows his cousin is almost on par as Phana in terms of brain so he does not worry about their activity.

They went on the Music Room where they found Noh playing the piano with a junior. The junior gave them a wai then excuse himself and leave the room.

“I came with Beam,” Phun inform Noh. The two already know each other since they have been in a relationship for this long and that Beam is a cousin.

Noh smiled shyly first and nod to Phun before greeting Beam, while the other just raised his right hand with a bright smile in return.

Another junior arrived and asked about the other junior who just have left.
“Sawasdee, P’s. P’Noh, is Bas still here?”
“Nong Mic, he just went outside. Though, I am not sure if he will still come back.”
“I see. I already texted him but did not replied. Thank you, P’, “he said then left right away.

"Don't you have scheduled activity today? The room is quite empty..."

"Er... my junior just asked me to help him play that piece on piano."

"But, you still have other things to do, right?" Phun said while eyeing the musical instruments staggered at one corner of the room and the books scattered on top of the table on the other side.

Noh shyly scratched his head and nod.
"You said you have homework to do, right? Why don't you just work on it while waiting for me? Today is quite peaceful and the aircon is working."

Phun looked at Beam who then nod in agreement.

After more than an hour, Noh have finished sorting, organizing, and filing the necessary items and documents.

3Moons' Gears and OmegasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang