Chapter 20 -Delivery of Destiny

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"Why wouldn't you see us again?"

"That's what Mistress Vega said." I tried to think of some way around her words.

Benin scratched his head. "That makes little sense, but I'm sure if she said it then it's true."

Benin's conclusion made me think. Why wouldn't I be able to return if only for a short amount of time? "You're right. It makes little sense." I needed to sort this out.

"Where are you going?" Benin asked.

"To see Mistress Vega." I walked through the beautiful flowers on the floor–it was nice to find something to take my mind off Benin and the depth behind our kiss. Flighty as it seemed I knew Benin would be there no matter what; I knew he was the safe option. I was only seventeen, and I had no desire to choose anyone. Why couldn't things just... be? I noticed that he trailed behind me on my way to Mistress Vega's office.

We stopped in front of the white door, and I pushed the button to open the door. Tilly's face popped on the screen. "Mistress Vega left the office."


"There was a disturbance at the front entrance."

"What kind of disturbance." I pressed her for answers.

"It's best if you go see for yourself," Tilly said blinking off the screen. She almost sounded like the old Tilly.

I turned to Benin. "Let's go see what's going on."

He didn't move. "Do you think that's a good idea? What if Sirius captures us?"

"What if he hasn't?" I put my hands on my hips. "I will see–you're welcome to stay planted in that spot if you want."

He sighed, falling into step with me as I sprinted toward the front entrance. I almost ran into Mistress Vega turning a corner. "Oh, sorry. What-"

I stopped short when I saw Daddy turn the corner. My knees felt weak, and my pulse raced.

"Penny?" he said.

"Daddy." I jumped into his arms–tears of joys ran down my face. The comfort and peace he brought with him engulfed me. "I thought you were dead," I said into his neck.

"So did I." He pulled back to study me.

He had a gash on his forehead. I examined his face, stubble lined his jaw, and his usually bald head had an inch of dark brown hair growing. The gash was almost healed, and several other small cuts scattered his face.

"Don't do that again." I chocked on my words. Tears filled my eyes again. "I can't lose you again."

He folded his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "I won't sweetheart. You know you're the fruit on my branches." I had to smile at the corny sentiment when I looked up at him.

"That's what I like to see, your beautiful smile."

I rolled my eyes.

Shiah rounded the corner behind him.

"Benin," she cried, hugging him.

"You're alive," Benin said.

"Sure am, you didn't think you could get rid of me that easy did you?" He smiled. "Oh my, you must've really thought I was dead if you're smiling." She laughed and then turned. "Hello, Pendra."

I shook my head. "Just call me Penny."

"Okay, Penny. I want one of those nice big hugs you used to give me." I laughed through my tears as we embraced.

Joy filled my heart, making me sure I could take on the world. "How did you escape the explosion?"

Daddy's eyes saddened and found Vega's. "Cain's henchman saved us from the burning car so he could hold us as leverage." He paused. "Sol found us and traded his life for ours."

"What!" I said.

"Cain promised he'd let us go if Sol surrendered himself," Shiah said, shrugging. Benin had his arm around her. "He gave himself up and told us to follow the navigation on his car to find you."

I turned to Vega. She gripped her dark red shirt which was the only visible sign of her anger. Why would he sacrifice himself? Vega's eyes snapped at me, sending goose bumps down my arm, and then she turned and walked away.

I couldn't believe he allowed himself to be captured.

"We have to save him."

"He's long gone now. They had us in an abandoned warehouse." We walked back to the living area of the beauty bar. "I still don't know how he found us–Cain had his henchmen watching us. He only dropped by now and then to see if we could provide him with any more information. Cain seemed more interested in Sol than anything else, so when he showed up on his doorstep, he jumped on the opportunity to capture him."

I processed all the new information as we walked to the rooms. There had to be something we could do to save him.

"Where do you think they took him?" asked Benin.

"Most likely the Sleepers Keep where he holds all of his prizes. The security there is tight, and he's expecting you to rescue the other Earth Singers," Daddy replied.

"We got the sense that there was something more going on at the Sleepers Keep," Shiah said.

"These rooms are empty," I said, showing Daddy and Shiah to their rooms. "Tilly is one of the several interface choices you could use to assist you with anything you need. The interface devices here are not connected to the main network, so you can use them."

"I always liked doing things for myself," Shiah said. "But, thank you anyway." She went into her room.

"We'll catch up more in the morning," Daddy said. I hung on to him a little longer not wanting to let him go. "I promise I'll still be here in the morning Pen. I love you with all my heart." He hugged me again. "And I'm thankful to Sol and Mistress Vega for keeping you safe." He gazed down into my face. "We will rescue him; in fact, I have a few ideas about that already." I nodded and let him go.

I was left alone with Benin. "I know it doesn't always seem like it but I respect Sol, and I'll do whatever it takes to get him back." I looked at him. His expression was sincere. "This is not how I want to win you. Good night Penny." He lifted my hand and kissed it and then went to his room.

"Thank you," I whispered too late.

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