I grab the sandwich meat, lettuce, tomato, pickles and mayonnaise from the fridge and set them on the island. I then grab the bread and two paper plates to put the food on.

Alison just continues to study me as I do so. She makes me nervous whenever she does that. 

"I never thanked you for what you did earlier." Alison walks next to me, nearly causing me to cut myself with the butter knife. Why am I suddenly jumpy around her?

"It's not a big deal." I shrug my shoulders and continue to place the meat on top of the bread after spreading the mayonnaise. From the corner of my eye, I see Alison frown. 

"Right." She slowly backs away from me, my body instantly missing her presence. 

Did I just ruin a moment between us? 


After finishing my homework for the night, I turn my light off and try to get some sleep. It's killing me, knowing that Alison is in the next room. I crave her presence. I just want to be able to lay next to her and watch her sleep. 

And then wake up the next morning and to be able to lean over and kiss her because she's mine.

But I mine as well just forget about it. Because it's never going to happen. 

Besides what about my dad? I can't do that to him. He's finally happy. I would be a terrible daughter if I did that to him. 

Alison's POV

I look to the right of me where the bed is empty. I'm alone in the guest bedroom and it's kind of depressing. 

A part of me wonders what it would be like to have Emily laying next to me in bed. It's weird that I'd even think that. But ever since I met her that day in the brew, I couldn't get her off my mind. No matter how hard I tried.

Talking to Wayne, helped a little. And even going out on dates with him, helped. But still. In the back of my mind, the thought of Emily was tucked away. And when I was alone, she would pop back into my mind. 

It was frustrating. I thought I'd never see her again. But I was dead wrong. I mean what are the odds of Wayne being Emily's father? 

Sometimes I wonder if it's fate bringing us together but at the same time, it being torture. 

I know I can't have these feelings for her but I can't help it. There's no way I can stop liking her. 

That's part of the reason why I had to get out of the town I lived in. I was madly in love with this girl and I knew she didn't feel the same way. So I had to move on. Spencer had suggested Rosewood and I liked the idea of it.

A small town. Should have been easy enough. I'd never thought that there could be any girl in Rosewood that I'd actually like. My plan was to start seeing guys because that girl broke my heart into a million tiny pieces. 

Then I met Emily. I have never seen someone so beautiful in my twenty-six years of living on this earth. She's breathtakingly gorgeous. Everything about her is flawless. From the way she walks to the twinkle in her eyes when she smiles.

God, I just can't stop thinking about her. And I can't stop thinking about how I just want to barge into her room and kiss her right now. And there's only one thing stopping me.

Her dad.


The guy that likes me so much. Who looks at me as if I'm the world. 

I'd break his heart if I started seeing his daughter and somehow he finds out about it. I can't do that to him and more importantly, I can't let Emily do that to her father. She'd lose him forever and I'm not worth that. 

My Dad's GirlfriendWhere stories live. Discover now