Project Reborn

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Tiny's POV

So we were all just hanging out at the house. Sabrina and Val were cuddling on the couch. Fairy and Lauren were playing Call of Duty. Mason was sulking in a corner because Ryan was at work. Nico was making T turn into random animals for them to pet. I was staring at Rowan.

Suddenly I heard T say, "I wonder if crocodiles can give blowjobs because of all the sharp teeth."

"Val is comfy to sleep on," Sabrina said.

"Sabby is cute," Val said randomly.

Fairy then randomly says, "I swear to god we better not lose this kill streak."

Lauren then sighs contently, "I think I'm getting distracted by Mina. She's cute when she's mad."

"I want to kiss Tiny right now," Rowan sighed while she was staring right back at me.

Why the hell are they all saying random thoughts?!

"Hey guys did you say anything?" I asked them.

They all just looked at me like I lost my mind. Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me?! I stare at Rowan again.

"Why won't she kiss me?" Rowan spoke and she was pouting. Wait, I can read minds. I held Rowan's hand and she was blushing. We haven't had our first kiss yet. So I took my chances and kissed her lips. She was smiling into the kiss.

"My ship is finally sailing!" I hear T yell from the couch as a hedgehog.

"T? Why the hell you are a hedgehog?!" Fairy questions as she keeps shooting enemies on Call of Duty with Lauren.

Then I looked at Mason who was sulking in the corner. He never talks. I wonder what would happen... nothing bad right? I tried to read Mason's mind and let me tell you never fucking again!

I heard one thing, "GET THE FUCK OUT MY HEAD YOU RED-HEADED IMBECILE OF A HUMAN!" I hear a deep distorted voice shout. While other whispers clouded my mind. I got dizzy and I started shivering in fear. I curled up a ball and started rocking back and forth.

"What the fuck did you do dumbass?" Fairy asked while still playing the game. I just shook my head vigorously. That was scary. No it was a nightmare. I am scarred for life.

'She tried to read my mind,' Mason signed.

"So if I turn into a zebra will you guys count my stripes?" T asked. Lauren got frustrated because Fairy was about to answer. So Lauren being Lauren threw the extra PS4 controller at T's head.

"Todd! Shut up and stop distracting my girlfriend!" Before T could respond the alarms went off in our house. Great time to suit up and kick some pineapple butt.

Fairy's POV

I took Lauren off my lap and gave her a quick peck. The others did that with their significant others except for Mason.

Lauren gave me a seriously look and said, "Don't get hurt babe. None of you get hurt. Okay?" She looked at me with those green eyes.

"It comes with the job, love. I'll be back asap. It's probably not that bad anyways," I told her while quickly suiting up.

I waited for the others to change and we ran to the location, which was the Statue of Liberty. There was this humanoid thing. It was huge. It was about 8 feet tall, clearly mutated and has a jaw made of steel. It has mechanical robot hands. This thing is or was human at one point. The next thing it did was speak.

"Where is the one called Tribal?!" he roared at the sky scaring the shit out of us. Mason rushed in and I tried to call him. He turned into his demon form and tried taking a stab at him, but the monster or human or whatever the thing is grabbed his face, smashed his head and threw him into the water. I quickly ran over and brought Mason back onto land.

Next, T turns in an eagle and he flew. Was this idiot running away? But halfway midair he turned into an elephant. T, as an elephant try to weigh down the mutant, but the mutant just tossed him to the side like it was nothing. He tossed T who currently weighs 13,000 pounds like T was a feather.

Kai then tried taking control of every electronic thing around her and rushed all objects towards him. Then Kai turned on her bo staff and effectively started blocking and striking the mutant.

Steeljaw as I named him said, "Weaklings... and you call yourself heroes?" He then picked up Kai and broke her back. Shit. I quickly ran in trying to take Kai out of his hands, but he was fast. Really fast like me. Suddenly, he pinned me down and broke my legs. Then next thing I saw was black. Sorry Lauren.

Tiny's POV

T then gets up and transforms into a rhino as a last attempt. He charges at the mutant, but the mutant stopped him with a single touch. Holding him back with one finger... is that normal? So our two strongest fighters, Mason and Fairy, were thrown and broken like a rag doll and Kai... fuck. T suddenly landed next to me with a huge thud and he was bleeding out pretty badly.

I was alone and scared. He charged at me and I managed to hold him back. The people were evacuated off Ellis Island and I could feel my strength being drained from me. As I felt my power dwindling, I felt a kick to the stomach and I couldn't breathe. Next thing you know, I'm flying and I hit the ground. Damn it Rowan is gonna kill me.

Val's POV

I quickly got to Ellis Island, and all of them, I mean all of them, were out cold. I checked their heart rates and injuries through the holograph that showed everyone's conditions on my watch. Fairy broke her legs, Kai's back is shattered, T was bleeding out, Mason was internally bleeding in his head, and Tiny's rib cage was broken.

The mutant looked at me and smiled wickedly. It took a step towards me and choked me a bit. I was lifted to the air and my vision was slowly getting blurring. Next thing you know, I blacked out.

Kylie's POV

I was watching the heart monitor on everyone and they all stopped. Fuck, what is going on? Shit. They were beaten by whatever was out there.


"Babe, calm down. We'll go to them," I said and we started getting the medical kits getting ready.

We ran out of the lab and the girls and Nico were trying to ask us questions, but we could not let them know. We got to the roof and got into the helicopter.

"G.A.B.R.I.E.L. fly us to where the kids are dying now!" Sarah shouted.

"Of course madam," G.A.B.R.I.E.L. responded and we flew to where they were. What we saw was something we never wanted to see again.

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