Project Naberius

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3rd person (ha tiny)

The heroes were all off doing different things. It was actually during school. Mason was in the music room. Tiny was just talking to Rowan in class. T and Nico were talking about cats. Nico was wondering if T was a cat, then could he eat cat food? Little did they know, that T can't eat meat. Kai was in the computer lab. Fairy was playing her acoustic guitar under a random tree. Val was with Sabrina playing Rules of Survival in the cafeteria. Everything was going perfectly fine. Boy were these kids wrong.

Suddenly, the school alarm went off. Over the speakers, the principal announced, "I repeat please move to the football field we have an emergency. Please move to the football field."

At that moment all six of them had their phones go off. It was the emergency distress call. Fairy sped out of the school dropping off her guitar and coming back with her costume on and quickly put everyone's costume in their backpack.

Tiny told Rowan that she had to do something really quick.

"Don't get hurt Riley," Rowan told Tiny.

Tiny just nodded and ran off to change and met Fairy in front of the school. Mason silently put on his costume and prayed that it wasn't anything too bad, but the distress call was a level 5... Kai had somehow managed to activate her suit with this cool watch thing she made. T changed into his costume and flew out an open window as a hawk.

"Okay, what the hell are we fighting?" Kai asked. Suddenly, a monstrous roar came out of nowhere. The Outsiders jumped in surprise of what the hell was happening. They looked around and saw something that looked like a mutation. It was human, but it wasn't.

'What the hell is this the Exorcist?!' Mason signed and pointing furiously at the thing

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'What the hell is this the Exorcist?!' Mason signed and pointing furiously at the thing.

"Kai... have you seen anything like that in your database?" Tiny asked. Kai shook her head. The monster started firing a weird fluid making everyone dodge out of the way. The acid it spat started to melt the floor.

"Woah... that was cool," T says, seeing the acid.

"Okay so if we touch that thing we get burned. So stay away from acid when fighting. Got it... no pressure..." Tiny muttered.

T turns into a gorilla and rushes at it. He dodges all the Spitfire coming at him and he slams into the monster. The monster goes flying through the locker, tearing through the lockers. Fairy then goes up and decides to throw lightning at the thing constantly, shocking it. As they quickly regrouped, the monster spits at the group and Tiny effectively picks up a locker blocking the acid coming towards them.

Then Mason decides to take a physical hit at the monster. He rushes at the monster dodging the first few acid spits, but he trips on a locker that was thrown by Tiny earlier. The acid hits him hard in the face.

"Fuck. He got hit," Fairy mutters and rushes to get him away from the line of fire.

T then turns into an Ankylosaurus and whacks the monster out of oblivion. Fairy sees the broken electrical wires hanging out. She grabs the electrical wires and shocks the monster effectively killing it.

"That's one problem solved. This thing... It was once human," Kai said while looking at the monster.

"Yeah, that acid isn't normal. The acid also is mutated. Tiny how's Mason? Can you heal him?" Fairy asked Tiny.

"No. I can't heal him," I told him. "I can only stabilize him."

Fairy picked up Mason and rushed him back to the lab. She put him in the med bay. Hopefully, that would keep him alive... Sarah and Kylie rushed to the lab seeing Mason burning at a very slow rate.

"What the hell happened?" Sarah asked while she was typing away on the med bay computer trying to analyze what hit Mason. "I've never seen this complex of DNA strand before. Exactly what hit Mason?"

The others finally arrived while Fairy was explaining the monster, "It was this humanoid monster mutant. It was about 7-8 feet. Two heads."

"You mean three heads," T says, suggestively.

Sarah and Kylie look at each other and say, "Project Naberius."

"What the hell is that?!" Kai asks while pointing to basically an almost dying Mason.

"Kai wasn't the first mutant trial attempt. Project Naberius was one of the failed trial attempts in order to create a superhuman. We thought that all the past failed projects were destroyed," Kylie explained while running her hands through her hair. "Kai was the first successful mutant."

"So there is a way to heal Mason. You need to break into the Pentagon. There's a file on the upper level in the west wing."

"You want us to break into the Octagon?!" T asked excitedly.

Fairy facepalmed and sighed, "No you idiot. The PENTAGON is one of the most secure military buildings in the U.S."

"No, not you or Kai. Just Tiny and Fairy. If Tiny can make Fairy invisible, then Fairy can just superspeed them in and out without being caught. Plus Fairy can phase through the walls," Kylie explains.

"Great. How long do we have until demon boy loses the little heartbeat he has completely?" Fairy asks while pointing to the dying boy.

"Well... 24-36 hours probably and he's been hit for like 1 hour so you have a day at max. You up for the challenge?" Kylie asked.

"Sure. Give me five minutes," I smiled. "Come on Tiny. Let's go, we are breaking into the Pentagon."

Everyone left. Tiny and Fairy left for the Pentagon. The other Outsiders went to bed. The moms looked at each other. They are hoping Tiny and Fairy would have the file and all of this would end. Sadly, curiosity killed the cat. (A/N: there were no cats harmed in the making of this book. -T)

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