Project Web of Lies

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Fairy's POV

The next morning, we all decided to pay Ryan a visit. We have questions that needed to be answered. We walked in and I saw Ryan, I slammed the file onto the table and shoved it towards Ryan.

"So you found out didn't ya?" she asked while smiling sadly.

"Yeah, we want answers," I told her. She looked around a bit and saw that Mason wasn't here.

"Where's Mason?" she asked me.

"Reviving from what does dying count for him?" T speaks up.

"What happened?!" she demanded.

I glare at her and told her, "You don't get to ask questions around here." She sighs and slumps in her chair. Her face showed clear signs of distress and worry. She got up and points to the back.

"Let's talk in the back."

"Ummm... no, I have a girlfriend," I lied a bit and then I whispered. "Not yet."

"Ooohhhh what's this?!" Tiny shouts excitedly from the back room.

I rolled my eyes and groaned. We walk to the back to see Tiny with a shit ton of blood. How the fuck... you know what I don't even care anymore.

"Oh cool, I didn't know you could get your fingers pierced. Although I don't know why you did it yourself." T says, looking at Tiny who turns invisible; you could only see blood falling out of nowhere.

"Please get your friend to not touch the expensive equipment," Ryan sighed while shaking her head in disappointment.

"Sorry... she's the troublemaker. She broke a window too, don't worry about her," I tell Ryan.

"And a TV and tried a violin but that didn't work," T adds. We sat down in the chairs around a table. I looked around and saw that she did a very good job of staying low key, from whoever she was hiding from.

"What does this file mean?" I ask her while crossing my arms. "Why the hell was your file in the mutant section?"

"Doesn't my file being there explain it?"

"So you've been lying to us this whole time? Lying to Mason, who has a thing for you," I glare at her. She sighs and runs her hand through her hair.

"I was trying to protect him."

"You lied to him foremost. Second, how are we supposed to trust you if you've been lying to us this whole damn time!" I yelled at her while slamming my hands onto the table electric shocking everyone.

"I DON'T KNOW! YOU JUST DO!" she yells clearly frustrated. Then her face softened. "Please let me see Mason."

"No," I told her. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder from Kai.

"Fairy. I think she should tell him."

"And have his heart broken. Yeah, no thank you. I don't want to deal with an emotional demon boy," I told him.

"He's already moody enough," T mumbles. "He also has head problems. *cough* Fairy *cough*"

"Just please let me go...please." she was begging. Kai nodded at me and I let out a sigh.

"Fine," I nodded for her to follow us.

"Wait but I wanted a piercing!" I flipped off T and walked out of the shop. I hear T say as we leave. "But Tiny got a piercing."

Mason's POV

My head was groggy and bright lights shined in my eyes. "Kylie, he is waking up." I looked around the lab to see Kylie and Sarah standing around me.

'What the fuck happened was I hit by a truck running through the school?' I asked Kylie while signing. Kylie shook her head as Sarah tapped her on the shoulder pointing to the door. I turned my head to see the elevator of lab open. Fairy and Kai walked in first, followed by T and Tiny.

"Did you find any information?" Fairy nods and then turns back to the elevator.

"Why don't you just ask her yourself?" Fairy says. Sarah and Kylie froze as they saw... Ryan?

"Why did you bring her here? It's dangerous," Sarah asked Fairy with a disappointed look. I tried to move off the med table to be pushed back down by Kylie.

"She wouldn't say no. I told her demon boy was injured," Fairy told Sarah and Kylie while shrugging. I lay back on the med bay.

Turn off the lights too bright! I pointed to the lights and Sarah turned down the lights.

"But why did you bring her down here?" Ryan sat next to me as Kylie and Fairy argued about letting Ryan down.

"She can't be down here! Not with the others!" the arguing got louder and Ryan shook her head as the fight still went on.

"She is like one of us, so what's the point in not letting her down here?" Fairy questions and Sarah was just staring at Ryan with a weird look not looking away. "She said she was a mutant... and you told us there were no other successful mutants other than us." Kylie and Sarah were just silent. The demons though were beyond pissed. We told you she was a liar. A no good.

"Well, are you gonna give us a damn explanation?!" Kai demanded between the three women standing awkwardly in the room.

"She escaped a long time ago. We thought she was killed. A default in the code again, but it looks like she got away." Ryan glared over at them standing up from my side.

"I got away with the full intention to get the rest out, but you took them before I could get to them. You hid them from me." Kylie looked shocked and stepped closer to a mad Ryan.

"We saved them from you. You were the one trying to kill them!" Kylie yelled back.

"How do you not see through the rose-colored glasses? I was saving them from you." Now both parties looked confused


"Shut the fuck up!" I yelled in my deep voice, scaring everyone. 'Both explain your sides later. I can't deal with this crap at the moment. I just want to sleep on something that doesn't make me feel like I am in a morgue.' I slowly got off the medical table. Ryan rushed over to my side.

"Here let me help you." I shook off her hand and walked to the elevator myself and to my room.


"Great you brought out emotional demon boy!" I yelled at Ryan. We were all sitting down glaring at Sarah, Kylie, and Ryan. They just caused a mess. That's when Tiny gets a call from someone.

"Hola?" Tiny answers the phone. We waited for a few minutes and we see Tiny's smile get bigger and she hangs up. "HOLY SHIT! I'M HANGING OUT WITH ROWAN AT HER HOUSE!"

"TINY SHUT THE FUCK UP I HAVE SENSITIVE HEARING!" I yell at Tiny who then just shuts up.

"I gotta go meet up with Rowan," Tiny says while running to the elevator.

I look at Fairy to see if she wanted to play Call of Duty and says, "Gotta go." Then she super speeds off to god knows where.

Kai then just slowly walks away and runs towards the elevator. Val just awkwardly leaves her moms and says something about a date with Sabrina at a fancy Italian restaurant. I sighed because I was alone, then my phone went off.

Nico: Wanna hang out?

Me: uhhh... sure.  

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