11. Showdown.

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Danger has never felt more prominent

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Danger has never felt more prominent. The air feels suffocating outside of the Pesaro, and despite the cold wind tonight the security guards standing at the entrance of the Pesaro are finding it hard to bare the sweat coming out of their pores. They sense the danger as strong as their hearts beating inside their chests.

The night is too quiet.

The Dagger has been sitting on top of a rundown convenience store in front of the casino for hours, way before it opened its doors to the despicable people of Seattle. Almost all of Saffroni's suppliers in one spot, what a treat. She can only imagine what will happen after tonight's bloodbath is done, they'll have to retreat somewhere up north of Seattle, near Canada's border until the news about what happened at the Pesaro die down. She can't exactly say she's thrilled about the idea but she's not against it either. Maybe a change of scenery will help her nightmares die too.

There was something else about last night's nightmare. She didn't exactly lied to Gidea about it being the same nightmare as every night. It just went on longer than before, reminding Genevieve what lies beyond that closet room in the basement --a reality she doesn't want to face.

She stopped believing they were only nightmares when she saw the face of the monster in them. She swore she had killed him just like she swore they were product of her twisted imagination born after her mother's death. But there's so much her brain can conjure up, and she knows most of her nightmares come from those fragmented years she can't put in order.

She hears Alonso before he comes into view. The frequency of his heavy footsteps always a dead giveaway.

"Eagle is furious with you, like I'm-considering-killing-you furious."

"I know."

Genevieve remains sitting on the edge of the roof of the convenience store with her eyes glued to the alleyway next to the Pesaro. Her eyes searching for her cue to move.

"Are you planing on joining us down there?"

Alonso Mazzerati is the only one possible of tracking down Genevieve, if she wants to be found. She always chooses a similar spot to hide so Mazzerati can find her hours later. High, dark and out of sight seem to be clues for him to start looking for her. Right now, she's reconsidering her hiding spot.

"In a sec," Genevieve mumbles as she inches closer to the edge. "Bingo."

The last supplier has entered the Pesaro, that is Genevieve's cue to get her ass moving. They have less than ten minutes to get inside the Casino before Gonzales, Saffroni's supplier, decides to get another woman in his car to literally just fuck her for fifteen minutes and then return back inside again. Genevieve labeled the man as a nymph the third time he saw him come out with a different woman. Poor guy, really.

"Let's go."


"The plan has changed," Gidea whispers to Genevieve the moment she stops next to him at the back of the SUV, "Eagle is indecisive about letting you in the Pesaro. You disappearing all day didn't help my case in convincing your father you are alright."

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