Dare #38-39: I get serious

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i want a dare that kokichi~kun is involved

i dare the people who hate kokichi to spent 7 hours with kokichi in one room with nothing to do but to talk to each other. oh! and kokichi isn't allowed to lie eitherps: there's nothing in the room, not even windows. Only CCTV cameras

{Inside a small white room}

Kaito: *wakes up and gasps* What th- where am I?

Miu: Ah thank Izuru, it was getting quiet and boring in here.

Kaito: Huh, dangit I'm stuck in a room with Miu.

Maki: No you're not.

Kaito: Wait, Maki-roll, Kiibo, Tenko, Himiko when did you guys get here?

Everyone but Kaito:  *facepalm*

Kiibo: Actually Kaito, we're not the only 6 people here.

Kaito: What makes you say that?

Everyone but Kaito: *points at the just woken up Kokichi*

Kaito: Oh *sudden realization* Oh-no.

(7 hours remaining)

Kokichi: Well good morning everyone.

Everyone but Kokichi: *growns*

Kiibo: [MESSAGE RECIEVED] Oh, guys we got a meesage.

*message plays*

ChrisDR: Hey guys, Just to let you know you guys will be trapped in their for 7 hours. Don't worry none of you can die their and you'll be sent back at the time limit. But be carefull that *video breaks up*..sho..col.*continues to break up*..mig..ki...kichi *video ends*.

*message ends*

Kaito: Did anyone else understand the end?

(6 hours remaining)

{It was at this moment that the writer (Me) had ran out of of Ideas for this dare and proceeds with tue next one.


Have an apology cake 🎂}


I dare everyone to apologize to Kokichi for being mean and I could careless about anything you have to say about him not deserving it

ChrisDR: Just confess da**it.

The previous group of people: *Trying to resist me opening their mouths*

ChrisDR: Da**it, guys why won't you just apologize to him, he's a nice guy.

Kaito: Wow you have not lived with him long.

ChrisDR: *sigh* Alright fine I'll give you reasons to. So you guys know about Kokichi's personality cause of the killing game right?

The pervious group: Yes

ChrisDR: Well, let me tell you this. How would you feel if you are trapped in a killing game with no hope of escape, how would you react? For Kokichi that's making the most of it. In fact Why am I even telling this to you Kaito? He told you why he's like this to begin with.

Kaito: Wait hold o-

ChrisDR: No, you're not avoiding this. Kokichi told you that he would never kill anyone, and that his reason for lieing is to stay sane, he infact hates the killing game as much as you all do, and before you complain, why do you think the killing game ever continued. Cause you fell for Tsumugi's hands. All but Kokichi.

Infact, let me shorten this out for you. You can't get mad at someone who is provably the most rational and sane out of all of you. Even if it is irritating.

The group: *tries to stay something but can't complain*

ChrisDR: I'll ask kokichi if he ever got an apology from you guys. (And tell me if I got some stuff wrong, I haven't played V3 in a long time)

The group: *contemplating*

(In Kokichi's room}

Kokichi: *whistling while looking thru his computer*


Kokichi: *clicks on the letter*

From: Anonyomus (The group /Kaito, Maki, Tenko, Himiko, Kiibo, Miu/)

Hello Kokichi,

     Sorry for what we've said/did against you. We now know why you are what you are. Gtaned we should have realized that earlier. But sorry for believing you are a prick, jerk, idiot etc.

From Anonymous.

P.S. sorry for everything.

Kokichi: *proceeds to type*

Dear Anonymous,

    Thank you,

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