Dare #36: A week with pickle satan and Junko

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{In my dorm}

ClausDR: Greetings, this is Claus. You're probably wondering why we were gone for so long, well ever since last chapter Chris had his last 2 months of school.

ChrisDR: You know I'm the one suppose to say this, but sure go on.

ClausDR: Actually I'm done.

ChrisDR: Oh. Then let's go to the gym then.

ClausDR: Alright *follows me*

{At the gym}

ChrisDR: Guys, I'm back. *sees the gym in complete chaos* I've been gone for 2 months and this is what you guys do?

Junko: *causing mayhem with Monaca*

ClausDR: I got this. *Shoots a flare into  the air* Guys , Chris is here.

Junko: Man, fun's over.

ChrisDR: Right, back to important biz. All girls stay here, all guys go with Claus.

{after everyone splits up}

ChrisDR: Alright, this is a very despairing dare. Specifically to Komaru.

Komaru: Wait, what?

ChrisDR: From -

Here is a dare for komaru spend a week with junko and monaca and during that week Monaca and junko are trying to bring komaru over to the side of despair

Komaru: Wow, wait

Junko: Yep, you're comin' with us.

Komaru:No, wait help! *getting dragged to the dorms*

Monaca: one of us, one of us.

{In Junko's dorm}

Junko: Alright Komaru, if you're gonna hang out with us, you need to better clothes.

Komaru: N-No, I-I think I'm fine. *trembling*

Monaca: Nonsense, listen to big sister. You need better clothing.

Junko: Good monaca. *pats her head* Now let's give it everything we got, It's makeover time.

{5 minutes later}

Junko: Perfect.

Komaru: *wearing a female version of Komaeda's Servant Uniform* This is degrading.

Komaeda: I think you look great.

Komaru: You wear these cloth- Wait Komaeda what are you doing here!?!

Komaeda: They needed the design of my servant's uniform.

Monaca: Okay Servant, you may leave now.

Komaeda: I wish you luck Komaru *leaves the room*

Don't forget to ask and dare

Five nights at Makoto's Junko's location (16/20)

Well i ain't callin' you a truther (7/10)

Meet my original OC (4/20)

A week of despair (1/7)

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