Chapter 14

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Hey guys, it's Lagopus_Warrior! I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, and I am sorry for not updating. A lot of events happened, as well as traveling. Anyways, enjoy!

Basil's POV

Basil dragged the carcass of a rabbit to their tribe. Pepper and Chirp were behind her, each holding their own catches.
"Go pass your fresh-kill to the Long Claws and queens. Give the rest to our leader and the Claws," Basil chirped to her patrol. They nodded.
Basil carried the rabbit to her littermates dozing off in the sun. Leaf had readjusted the cobwebs on their wounds, and were ordered to stay put this morning.
"Here, eat up, guys," Basil chirped.
Tiger and Shadow got into a sitting position. Tiger meowed, "Thanks, sis."
"No problem," Basil chirped, "This one is a plump one. Found it eating the biggest berry ever."
Shadow smirked, "It was ready for us then."
Basil playfully cuffed his ear. Then the three of them dug into the fresh-kill.
While they were almost done eating, Amber padded up to them, "Are you three almost done?"
Basil looked up. She licked her lips and said, "Yes. We are just finishing up."
Amber nodded, "We will leave as soon as you are done."
Basil nodded, then frantically gouged herself with the fresh-kill.
"Take your time. We're not in a hurry," Amber smiled.
Basil dipped her head in embarrassment, "Still. I want our tribe to get there as soon as possible."
Their leader nodded.
"We're finished now, Amber. We can leave," Shadow stood up.
"Let's go, Savannah tribe!" Amber yowled. Then they started their trekk in the Savannah once more.

It was sunhigh when they decided to rest by a cluster of trees. Basil slumped next to the nearest tree, breathing heavily.
"Are we almost there yet?" Tiger moaned.
"Yeah, I can feel it," Basil panted.
"No complaining, Tiger. Just wait, and we'll be there soon," Shadow meowed.

    Basil blinked open her eyes from the short nap she had taken. She looked around to see where the noise was from.
    "What's wrong?" Shadow grumbled.
    "I don't know," Basil chirped nervously, "Tiger, wake up."
    Tiger mumbled something, then stood up and stretched.
    "Come on, let's go," Basil started padding up to the mass of cheetahs.
    Basil maneuvered around her tribemates, creating a path for her brothers. When they came in the middle, she can see the Long Claw, Teeth, on the floor, with Leaf at his side.
    "What's happening?" Basil mewed to her mentor, Tawny.
    "Teeth was sleeping, but then he suddenly woke up and started saying he can't breathe!"
    Basil stared in shock, as Leaf rubbed Teeth's back, trying to find the problem.
    "What is going on," Amber ordered, as she made her way to the center.
    Leaf looked up, "Teeth has something in his throat. I think he might have eaten prey, and something didn't go down well."
    "Oh no," Amber whimpered.
    Amber backed away, letting Leaf have room to massage Teeth. Basil saw him writhing around on the earthen floor, as Leaf gently kept rubbing him.
    "Someone get juniper berries and honey from my pack!" Leaf exclaimed.
    A cheetah, Sorrel, nudged her way out from the circle, and grabbed the pack. She came back and gently dropped the pack on the ground. "Sorry, I don't know all the herbs so I got all of them," Sorrel mewed.
    Leaf nodded, and rummaged through her pack. She pulled out reddish berries out, and kept looking for something else.
    "No, I don't have honey!" Leaf chirped, "I guess I'll just have to use the juniper berries."
    Leaf fumbled with the berries, and ground it into paste. "I need water!"
    "Already on it!" Tiger chirped. A few seconds later, Tiger came with a ball of wet moss and placed it gently by Leaf.
    Leaf squeezed the moss to let some droplets soak into the paste. She then carefully grabbed the crushed berries, and slid it through Teeth's mouth. Then, Leaf stood back.
    "What are you doing now? Aren't you supposed to help him more?" Amber meowed.
    "No," Leaf chirped, "Now, we have to see if the berries did the work."
    Every cheetah was tense as they  watched Teeth chew the paste and swallow it. The Long Claw suddenly stopped moving. "No..." Basil whimpered in dismay.
    Teeth closed his eyes. Before he was gone for good, he spit something out. A giant bone with saliva laid on the floor.
    "This...?" Amber padded forward slowly and cautiously dabbed the bone.
    Leaf lowered her head, "Teeth choked on this. It must've apparently got lodged in his throat, preventing him to properly close his mouth, or even breathe."
    "We shall grieve for Teeth," Amber meowed.
    "No, Teeth!" Prairie came through the group of cheetahs and looked at Teeth in horror.
    "I feel so bad for Prairie," Tawny chirped.
    Basil looked up to her mentor.
    "Teeth was her only sibling and littermate. They did everything together," Tawny sighed.
    "Oh," Basil chirped. She would be equally depressed if either Shadow or Tiger went away.
    "He needs a proper burial," Prairie meowed in despair. Tears were streaming from her eyes.
    "Of course we will," Amber dipped her head, "Sabel, Memphis, bring the body by that acacia tree."
    The two cheetahs nodded, and carefully grabbed Teeth, one by the scuff, and one by the tail, and placed him by the tall tree Amber had spoken of. Then Butter came with her apprentice, Pepper, holding a bundle of leaves in their mouths. They waited for Sabel and Memphis to dig a little hole and place Teeth inside it. Pepper and Butter then scattered the leaves on top of the Long Claw.
    "Rest in peace, Teeth. You were a great addition to our tribe," Amber meowed.
    "No...." Prairie cried. Her face was sober. Sprintz padded up to her and laid his tail around her.
    "I can't believe this is happening," Tiger whispered.
    Basil nodded, she was speechless. This is tragic.
    "Everyone, let's give the Long Claws time to mourn for now. Then if anyone of you would like to, come afterwards," Amber instructed. Soon, the clusters of dappled pelts slowly faded away, as cheetahs dispersed.
    "Come on, let's go," Shadow chirped to Tiger and Basil.
    "Okay," Basil mewed.
    They headed to their nests for the night. No one needed food. The despair was enough to drain their hunger.

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