Chapter 5

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Basil's POV

Basil crept forward, stalking a wildebeest with Shadow and Tiger. All three of them will have their assessment to be Claws in 10 sunrises, and they all have to have good scores on their pre-assessment on teamwork and quantity of prey. Basil licked her lips hungrily, her musty, forest-green eyes fixed on her prey. She stalked the wildebeest in a quiet manner. Basil then gave a curt nod to her brothers, as they slinked off in different directions: Shadow to the right, Tiger to the left, and herself going straight. They surrounded the beast, as it grazed unknowingly. 3, 2,1... Basil sprinted towards the wildebeest, and sprang up, digging her claws in its coat. The wildebeest shook itself and moaned loudly, but Basil held fast on the animal. Tiger and Shadow did their part as well. Shadow taunted the beast, making it angry. The beast did exactly as expected: It charged towards Shadow. Shadow, however, was too fast, and quickly averted the wildebeest's huge horns. Tiger appeared out of nowhere, and opened his mouth wide, leaving large teeth marks on the beast's neck. The wildebeest roared and thudded to the ground. Shadow carefully swatted one paw above its eye to make sure it wasn't alive.

"Great work, guys," Basil gasped.

They entered the camp, heaving a giant through the entrance, and flopped it on the freshkill pile.

"Well done, you three," Tawny nodded approvingly. Basil blushed.

Spot spoke, "I believe you will do well in your individual assessments."

"You three should rest. Go on," Lion smiled.

Tiger bobbed his head in agreement.

"Yes Lion," Basil inclined.

Basil led his brothers to the apprentice den. When they arrived, all three of them instantly fell asleep.

The sun glinted through the gaps between the bracken, urging Basil to wake.

Basil shifted in her nest, and woke up from her dreamless sleep. She stifled a yawn and padded out into the clearing.

"Basil, there you are," Tawny spoke.

Basil blinked, "Do you need me?"

Tawny let out an exasperated sigh, and replied, "We are doing training with Lion and Tiger by the streambed. Didn't I remind you yesterday?"

Basil thought back and remembered. Before she had slept, Tawny slipped into the apprentice den and reminded her about training. Basil tried to hide her embarrassment as she padded next to her mentor, "Sorry."

Tawny cleared her throat, and looked away from Basil. She hollered, "Lion, are you ready?"

"Coming!" Lion appeared with Basil's brother from the Long Claw's den.

"What were you doing?" Basil spoke to Tiger.

"We were just helping the Long Claws tidy their nests," Tiger licked his paw.

Basil's eyes clouded with worry, "Not ticks again, right?"

"Oh, no. That was a couple of moons ago," Tiger reassured Basil, "Don't worry."

"Okay," Basil meowed. A while ago, a tick had apparently been wandering on the rocks that the Long Claws rested. One of the elders must've carried it in, causing the tick to reproduce in their cave! It was horrible. Worst for the apprentices.

"Come on, you two. Stop lingering around like a flock of vultures and let's go!" Tawny yowled from the entrance of the camp.

Basil dipped her head, and followed her mentor, with Tiger by her tail.

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