Chapter 1

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[Savannah Tribe: Cheetah names]

Leader: Amber (female)

Deputy: Smokey (male)

Tender: Leaf (female)


Spot (male)

Apprentice: Shadow

Speckle (female)

Butter (female)

Apprentice: Pepper

Tawny (female)

Apprentice: Basil

Sabel (male)

Whisker (male)

Apprentice: Pounce

Lion (male)

Apprentice: Tiger

Memphis (male)

Kushi (female)

Grey (male)

Apprentice: Leo

Swoop (male)

Apprentice: Sandy

Birch (male)


Shadow (male)

Basil (female)

Tiger (male)

Pounce (male)

Pepper (female)

Leo (male)

Sandy (female)


Bramble (male)

Chotu (male)

Chirp (male)

Lily (female)


Speckle - Shadow, Basil, Tiger Father: Smokey

Tawny - Pounce, Pepper, Sandy Father: Memphis


Honey - Lily, Bramble Father: Birch

Sorrel - Chotu, Chirp, Leo Father: Grey

{Long Claws}

Sprintz (male)

Teeth (male)

Prairie (female)

(Cheetahs) Savannah Tribe

Tiger's POV

Tiger crept in the brush, maneuvering between brittles and prairie grass. His paws skimmed the ground underpaw, and his belly fur barely met the soft dirt, drawing him closer to his prey. Tiger sniffed the air, making sure he was downwind of his victim. Tiger's head broke through an opening in the tall grass, and faced a tiny hollow, about a few tail-lengths long. In the middle, sat a plump starling, pecking at a nut, completely unaware of Tiger. Tiger crouched lower, sunk his claws in the earth, and sprang towards the bird. Only when Tiger was in midair did the starling notice its calamity, and took off. However it was too late. As soon as the starling took to the sky, Tiger's great forpaws struck the bird above ground, and clamped down on its neck.

Tiger lept on rocks to enter the Savannah Tribe camp, with his freshkill in between his jaws. Their camp laid next to a close by pond to drink from, and a dense copse of acacia trees a bit far off from Savannah. Behind the copse laid a large oak forest. During the spring, several hunting patrols would set out on a half day quest to gather varieties of prey—deer, rabbits, finches, and more. Everything else was filled with grass—long prickly prairie grass that is good for hunting, hiding, and lining for nests. Tiger looked around to examine his camp. Their tribe's camp was a stretch of rock on one end, and lush green, short cropped grass on the other. Next to the entrance of the camp, was the tender's, Leaf's, den. On the far side of the camp entrance was the Claws' dens, the cheetahs that fight and catch prey for the tribe. On the right of the Claws' den was the nursery for the mothers that are expecting cubs. Next to the nursery, was the Savannah Tribe leader's den, Amber. And a little behind the leader's den was the apprentice dens. On the far left of the camp, laid a little cave for the Long Claws, the older cats that are unable to fight or carry on their duties.

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