Chapter 11

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Basil's POV

They have been walking for ages, the far, barren lands around them turned into heat hazes. Distant baobab trees were turned into smudges, as the sun beat its heat harder down onto the tribe. Basil panted, her tongue lolling out, thirsting for water. As that thought streaked in her mind, a cheetah yowled out, "I see water!"

Basil whipped around and saw Pounce jumping up and down next to a beech tree, his eyes fixed on a pool of water. Every cheetah started mewling in excitement.

Amber raised her voice over the tribe, "We will rest here by the pond. Every cheetah, drink your fill."

Everyone, including Basil, raced to the edge of the pond. Basil looked down and saw crystal clear water. She lapped some up eagerly, letting the cold, still water trickle down her throat and cool her body. Basil gratefully shook herself, and took a few more mouthfuls. Then she padded up next to her littermates.

"We should find somewhere for our tribe to rest for tonight, so we can have strength for tomorrow," Basil chirped.

Shadow licked his lips. "Okay, we should."

"Speaking of that matter," Tiger waved his tail to his left, "I found some underground burrows—six of them, in fact. They all have enough room to hold at least four cheetahs. However, they're not large enough to hold every single one of us in the Savannah tribe."

Tiger was right, six spacious, but compact abandoned burrows laid next to each other. The inside had gray-blue walls that were dry, but the dark-brown dirt was a bit moist. Above, were small, unusual stalactites that were completely in the wrong place. But it should work. Basil had a contemplated look on her face, "Well, the Long Claws, queens, and cublings should go in first, then the rest of us. If we run out of room, we can sleep outside, and–"

"–and make nests from those thickets over there," Shadow finished. He then swung his tail to some trees and bushes.

"It's settled then," Tiger chirped, "I will go tell Amber. You two get the Long Claws, queens, and cublings inside the burrows."

Basil bobbed her head, and followed Shadow to the middle of the bustling cheetahs by the pond.

"I would like all the Claws to come to me, please," Shadow calmly spoke. Only a few Claws turned their heads, but quickly resumed chatting with their fellow tribemates.

Basil gently tapped on Shadow's shoulder, "Try again. Maybe they didn't hear."

"That is highly unlikely," Shadow grumbled, "They just don't think we are good enough to be deputies."

"Um, well, I'm sure that's not it," Basil nervously laughed.

"Whatever," Shadow grunted, "I'll show them who's boss!"

Basil saw Shadow flex his muscles, as he extended his neck and shouted at the top of his lungs, "I WOULD LIKE EVERY CLAW HERE PLEASE!"

Surprised faces responded to the loud shriek Shadow declared. The cheetahs grumbled, and all the Claws padded forth.

Shadow swallowed hard, his ears bent nervously, as he cowered below the wise faces of the Claws. He then suddenly straightened up and said in with a brave expression, "I would like you guys to gather soft material for the queens, Long Claws, and cublings to sleep on."

"Alrighty," Kushi chirped, then turned and led the Claws to get materials.

"Whew," Shadow gulped, "That's settled then. I can't get over all those cheetahs looking at me the same time!"

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