I hugged her intensely and kissed her forehead and caressed her hair gently
"don't worry i promise i'll take care you'll won't feel lonely anymore"

I get of bed heading to school giving my day a new chance to be a better one i washed my body with cold water since i can't stay dirty anymore people will start to smell my glossy hair soon i brushed my teeth and i didn't take breakfast because it was the last bowl of rice and I wanted to keep it for sana she started to get more skinner this days
I found my mother with her a big blue bags around her eyes because of the lacks of sleep her bone becoming more visible her figure giving me zombie vibe

She sensed my presence and she gave an odd look

" you'll be late"

I returned her gaze with a little smile

" it's fine everything will be alright "

I got out of home heading for school texting my boyfriend his name was Soojin to meet me in the rooftop after the last class
I was smiling remembering how he was always by my side when i needed him the most how he was there to hug me when i was dangerously getting depressed he was popular in school we met last year in store we become close friends he was aware of our bad condition he helped me when i was bullied and save so many times we confessed to each other this year and we started dating few months ago i needled to see him because i was slowly losing my self-confidence
He replied after 5min saying ok

I arrived in class my classmates giving me dark stare full with pity i totally ignored it and putting my focus in the lesson to prepare for this last exam after class i was in hurry to meet soojin since he was in his grandparents house in busan

I went to the bathroom fixing my mesy hair i heard murmurings about soojin and me around me but i totally ignore it and

I went upstairs to the rooftop on my way in the hallway i heard strange sounds coming from music room it seems like moaning i was slowly shocked when i saw two hormonal teenagers in the middle of a hot making out i completely ignore it and i was going on my way minding my own business when i accidentally fell and bringing with the various kind of vaze or something mekes me injure my hand badly i was in pain but what I saw next was a thousand time more painful it was soojin with lipstick all over his face his blouse was unbuttoned the girl was trying uselessly covering her bare breast and finding her bra

I was stupid I was broken my mind went blank it was something i really didn't expect from him and i didn't hate him at all i just felt disgusting from my self i was trying get back to my sense and processing what was happening around me i was in so much pain that i didn't do anything i just cried my heart out not minding if i was in front of them
He looked down with guilt in his eyes  he tried to help me with my injury

"(Y/N) please.. I..I'm holy look at your hands "

"don't you dare touch me"  i screamed and went hurrying home i was crying mess i couldn't believe that the universe could be this cruel to me i lost my dad a week later i lost him soojin did he even love me was his sexual desire stronger than my love what did i do wrong i was in so much pain that i was thinking i would die

But soon i realise that there nothing wrong with my love but it was just a fake love (i'm so sick of this fake love 😂 )

Few months later

I was lying on the bad i couldn't talk or do anything i felt my broking heart tired from all the crying i felt so disappointed from my self suddenly i heard the door opening revealing my mother with a few plastic sac in her hand

"come help me with the dinner i have something to tell you both go wake up sana first"  she ordered me placing her stuff in the kitchen

I opened the door finding my little fluff ball sleeping peacefully i smiled at her cute figure i patted slowly her back and she flinch i could obviously guess she was crying from her swollen lips and her puffy eyes
My heart broke into peaces
"come eat darling you must be hungry"
She nodded slowly

She sat in the table observing the dining area quietly
Me and my mom finished preparing the dinner "
I start slowly eating since i was getting hungry due days i didn't eat anything for days i was busy with the final exam that i suffered from the lacks of sleeping and eating i was surely transform to a zombie

"you will soon transfer to california"
She said emotionlessly i sock the from my throat
"what did you just say.. "
I must be hearing wrong
" your flight will be tomorrow morning "
No it can't be
" no i can't let you and sana alone no way i'll be leaving "

" you had no choice i already signed you in UNCA Your results allowed you to unter there your the only one from your school that was chosen since you English was good i choosed psychology since you wanted to be a doctor but first you have to graduate "
She said calmly like it wasn't a problem

I was sad and frustrated i didn't want to leave Korea i love it dearly I'm not that strong to live alone and take responsibility it's a bit to much for me
"but i can't leave how about you and sana i can just stay and work here"

She sighed and started to explain for me " i was thinking the same but it'll take you at least 6 years to graduate here in seoul and in our condition we can't wait and we're not even sure that you'll get a job since it so hard to find one but in America you can study and in the UNCA they pay for the foreign students and give them a monthly payments you can use it for buying your own apartment also work in some coffee shop or something for more money to send to your sister until she graduate "

She was planning all of that she's smarter than i expected i don't really have a choice so i sighted heavily and responded
" and how many years  would it takes"

"four years"
She said

" you can comback when you became a doctor I'll be so proud of you and always waiting for you believe me it's wasn't easy for me to decide but it's for your and sana's best "
She said with tearing eyes
I looked at sana she was listening silently she's a smart girl I'm sure she'll be okay i love this girls there my only family

I smiled at her and said

"don't worry mom i will do my best to save you two from the mess that my dad caused"

Finally my first chapter ever i'm so happy please correct my mistakes if you find some i'm sure there's so many i hopeb you guys share this book if you like it so many existing chapter coming soon 💝🔥

Love ❤

Catch me if you Can ❤ JJK FFWhere stories live. Discover now