"He gave you a book to read? Sounds like something Ichijo would do."

"It's not a book. It's a folder with some...I'm not sure what, but he said it was important so...It'll keep me busy." Yuuki nodded, and then stood up.

"Are you sure you going to be fine all by yourself?" I noddd, smiling through tight lips.

"I preferr to be alone...Sometimes. Today's just one of those days. Thank you." Yuuki nodded, giving me one last look before walking out the door.

I sighed as the door closed behind her. I looked towards the drawer that held the folder Mikami had given to me. Some part of me was really curious to find out what could possibly be in there, but another part was perhaps a bit more apprehensive. Another part wanted to know what it was that my parents were keeping hidden from me, and another part just wanted to ignore it. Maybe it wasn't really for me to know, but still my curiousty was there, and strong. In the end, curiousty won out.

I reached out, and pulled the folder out just as carefully as i had out it in. I then sat up in the bed, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, I opened the folder, my heart beating fast in my chest.

Report 20187

April 21

Hunt for the serial killing Level E succsefully excuted. Found an infant, around nine months old, outside our home town. No signs of any parents around. Thinking of adopting. She could prove to be useful to us someday. Sayori is thinking of retiring, and finding a regular day job for the sake of our kids.

-Signed Hiroshi Matsumoto

Report 34901

May 25

Another perfectly done hunt. We lost Masaomi, but sacarficies do have to happen in order to matain their careful secert from humans. The child is growing execptionally well, and seems to be very well rounded, and smart. I have no doubt she will grow to be a rather useful hunter that could perhaps rival the best of us all. I am excited to see just how much she will progress in the coming years.

-Signed Hiroshi Matsumoto

Report 46019

April 22

Sakika and Mizuki have just turned six years old. We had a nice celebration with just family, and a few of their friends. Katen Kaito has agreed to start training them to be Hunters. Sakika seems excited, but Mizuki seems relctuant. He's such a queit boy, I wonder how he'll truly fair in the upcoming years.

-Signed Hiroshi Matsumoto

I looked through many papers, mostly copies of reports my father had sent to the Assocation over the years. Many of them spoke about me, and my progress. I stared at the first report many times. My pulse raced as the realzation slowly sunk into my mind. I was adopted.


Although I knew it had to be true, I still found it hard to believe. I looked through the rest of folder, as if trying to saitisfy some need in me to disprove what I knew was true. Some part of me deeply resented the fact that my parents never so much as bothered to tell me the truth about me while another part was deeply relieved. Don't get me wrong, I loved them very deeply. I mean, they took me in, and raised me as if I were their own for almost seventeen years. I moved past the reports, and onto the photos that were accompanying them, but they were only simple pictures of our family.

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