"No. I'm good. It's not that long until dinner. I can just wait."

"Why don't you just eat now that way you won't be hungry later." Zero suggested. I felt my face redden, and shrugged.

"I'm just not hungry."

"You will later. So just eat now, and get it over with." My cheecks reddened, and I looked over at my mother begrudgingly.

"Fine. Mother can you just hand me a sandwhich."

"Sure. Here." Her tone was slightly teasing, and again my cheecks reddened. I took a harsh bite, chewing fast. I heard Mikami snicker. I threw a glare his way. I then looked over at the silent Yuuki and Zero.

"Are you two just going to stand there all day?" I asked as I took the last bites of my sandwhich.

"We're just waiting until you guys are done so we can take the dishes back to the kitchen." Yuuki explained.

"No use in leaving only to come back." Zero tacked on. I nodded slightly, and looked out the window, but at the same time watching Zero's refelction in the window. He seemed to notice me looking, and crossed his arms tighter over his chest. I quickly looked away from the refelction.


I felt rather confident as we walked to the Head Master's office for the report. I knew I was doing well in my classes. I was always careful to pay attention, and study hard. I never got in trouble. So, I was confident about the report, and that it would be over fast.

"Ah, thank you two for coming." Head Master greeted us as all three of us walked into the his office.

"Thank you for having us." My mother smiled sweetly as she took a seat the right. I took the one in the middle, and my brother sat on the left side of me.

"It's no problem. So why didn't her father come?"

"He was...Busy." Head Master paused for a second, as if trying to process the words, and then nodded softly.

"I see. What a shame that he couldn't make it."

"Yes, well..." Mother let the subject drop. SHe cleared her throat, straightening out her back."How is my daughter doing?"

"She is doing particularly well considering she also has her gaurdian duties that keep her up most of the night. SHe just has a habit of dozing off at times, which can't completely blame her for, considering the circumstances."

"That's good. Very good." Mother nodded. Mikami glanced over at me through the corner of his eys, as if he was expecting something else to come up." I would like to bring up the matter of any possible missions that would come up from the Assocation." Head Master nodded slightly, leaning foreward with a serious look on his face.

"I assure you, she would be able to go on those missions."

"Yes, but the subject of school, and notes. I do not want her Hunting getting in the way of her studies."

"I would not let that happen, but should the occasion come up, I can have my daughter or Zero take care of note keeping for her, as well as homework. I have all this covered." Mother nodded, and seemed to relax slightly.

"Well, that is very good news. I'm sure her father will be very pleased to know she can contuine with both her studies and her job as well."

"I would not hold her back from doing anything important." Mother nodded, and again Mikami glanced at me. I glanced at him, smiled slightly, and then looked at Head Master." Of course, since she is injured, she will have to take some time off of some of her more... Physically active classes which will bring her average score down. SHe may have to take more supplemtray classes if that comes to be. This won't be a problem, I'm hoping."

"Of course not. Just as long as she gets her grades up."

"Sakika takes supplemtray classes?" Mikami looked at the Head Master."I thought she was doing well."

"She is, but her early morning classes seem to be the ones she's frequently late to attend. SHe takes supplmentray classes as a result." Mikami nodded, sitting back." The other two Gaurdians take those classes as well. It, unfoutuanlly, comes with the job, I'm afaird."

"Well...Just as long as she gets good grades. That's all I care about."

"Of course. Well, this is all for her report this time." Mikami helped me up as Mother stood up, and shook Head Master's hand, thanking him for his time.

"We'll be here in the morning so you can see us one last time before we head back home. Have a restful night." Mother kissed my forehead after she brushed back my bangs. Mikami smiled slightly as he nodded at me, ruffling my head.

"Try not to hurt yourself anymore." I nodded, smiling softly.

"Yeah, yeah. Night."

"Good Night." They both said at the same time before leaving the room. I looked towards the window, watching until I saw them appear and then disappear as they got into their car, and drove off. I finally closed the curtains, taking off that day's clothes, and crawling into my pajamas before getting under the covers to catch some sleep.

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