E X T R A - T H R E E

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He was curious and wanted to unlock my phone, but froze once his eyes caught some letters, lying on my desk.

His fingertips touched the white, soft paper, tracing it down with his index finger. He gulped, seeing my name written in red, bloody letters.

A feeling deep inside of him told him not to open my letters, and yet he did. I didn't mind though, he was my first and last lover, I had nothing to hide from him.

The letters looked normal: a name, address and a stamp.

For: Slut Amora

From: Anonymous

So funny he believed me and not you, am I right?
Your own boyfriend, oh no wait, your ex-boyfriend, couldn't trust you, but he could trust his ex. Can't you see it? Do you need a pair of glasses?
He, SeokJin, will never ever love you like he loved me. He will come back to me, eventually. Have the two of you ever had sex?

Kill yourself, honey,
Or I will.

He didn't dare to open the other letters, already knowing what was written inside of these envelopes. His eyes scanned my room, looking for something else to look at.

He eventually saw a photo that I had besides my bed. 

We went to the beach that day. The way SeokJin slapped my cone of ice cream out of my hand, running away after his action. It didn't take long for me to grab him by his knees, he falling forward while laughing out loud. 

He crawled on top of my body. His hot breath tickling my lips. That was the first time we locked lips.

It felt amazing.

My first kiss was marvellous.

"What's on your wrist?" - Kim SeokJin ✔Where stories live. Discover now