"We are survivors. I refuse to let us lie down and accept defeat just like that. We've been struggling for years and just because it's gotten tough again you want to give up?" I hiss. Margot flinches from my tone.

I immediately begin wracking my brain for a solution. We can't just go around the blight stealing food. The desperation among us for survival has gone as far as being killed on the spot for stealing. A member of our group learned that the hard way. Back when we were a group of ten.

Think think think.

I look beyond Margot, my gaze circling the room. The other girls in our group are sitting quietly. Some are sitting on dirty cots while others are huddled near the walls. Their faces all share the same gaunt expressions from being hungry. I suck in a deep breath standing.

"It'll be alright," I say as a plan forms in my head. Margot's eyes widen and I know she understands the direction of my thoughts.

"Iris- "

I hold up my hand silencing her. My gaze shifts to the girls around the room one last time. I take in their sunken faces and tattered clothing. The look of starvation that lingers in their eyes is one that haunts me even in my sleep.

"If I'm not back within a week, you take over, ok? You guys will have to move on without me. Don't stay here. There's nothing left for us here. Stay strong and stay together. Don't risk your lives stealing from these people. Just go, Margot. Take them and go," I say. Tears begin to well up in Margot's eyes and I offer her a soft smile stepping closer to her to place my hand on her shoulder.

"Hey. Cheer up. Everything will be alright. We'll make it through this...," I bite my bottom lip to stifle my tears.

"We have to."

Margot offers me a weak smile. I can tell by her expression she doesn't believe me. She thinks this is it. I hate myself for the lingering feeling in the back of my mind, eating away at me. I can't help but feel something bad is going to happen.

The sound of people dying assaults my ears as I make my way to the outskirts of the blight. The constant barrage of coughing, crying, and moans of pain remind me of the world we now live in.

I make sure to grip my weapons tighter as I make my way past the refugees of Earth. I have a blade, a spear, and a grenade that was found months ago on our scouting trip. The plan is to go outside of the blight for food. I am the strongest and the smartest when it comes to hunting. We're never supposed to go hunting alone, but I know that if anyone came with me, they would only hinder me. Especially since the lack of food has them much weaker than most.

It's foolish of me to go into the woods alone. Before we understood how cruel the blight was, one of our girls left the blight alone to hunt. She never returned and we never got an answer as to why. This time however is a matter of life and death. And I refuse to let any of them starve to death. Not while I have the strength to prevent it.

I pass by a dusty window, briefly glancing at my reflection. I stopped caring about how I look a long time ago. My dark hair is stringy and matted from years of dirt and neglect falling barely past my shoulders. Growing up I prided myself on inheriting my mother's green eyes. But now, I hate that I can't remember how they looked on her face. My skin is sunken and thin, my cheeks hollowed from lack of nutrition over the years. I'm just like my girls at this point.

* * * * *

I flinch as the rays of sunlight slowly penetrate the trees waking me from my slumber. I open my eyes to look around, making sure no one is watching, and my weapons are all still in place.

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