Chapter 3: Run

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I've been running for what seems like a couple seconds, but judging by my surrounding I am deep in the forest. My legs burn, and my lungs gasp for air. I think I'll be safe here for a while.

I set my bag down next to a stream and fill my water bottle with water. The ice cold water tastes amazing against my dry cracked lips. It feels so good I just want to bath in it.

I take off my boots, shirt, and pants, and lay them on a rock near by.

I dive into the water full force feeling the coolness of it surround my body. If this never ended I would be okay with that. This water taste like sweet freedom to me. When I was younger we use to have a pool (when they were allowed), and I would spend all day swimming in it. If only that was that case how, but it's not. Instead I'm swimming in a stream, on the run from Johnny-law, praying to survive.

After about an hour of swimming I get out of the water, dry off, and throw my clothes back on. As I'm lacing up my boots I hear voices.

Could they have found me already.

The voices are getting closer and I do the only logical thing I can think of. I take a deep breath and dive into the water. My lungs scream for air, but I still hear them. I can't take much more, and swim towards a rock big enough to shield me. I peek my head out enough to see two men armed with gun walking by. I duck down back into he water to remain hidden.

Time seems to be moving so slowly. When I come up for air a second time, the men are gone. I don't know who they are, but I don't feel like finding out. I quickly swim towards land. I can't seem to pull myself up onto the shore.

I notice a some rock slabs leaned up against the shore, and pull myself up onto them.

"Come on Holland you weakling pull yourself up," I think to myself.

Once last pull and I'm up.

"Move Holl, move!" I yell in my mind.

I start running in the opposite direction as the men went, grabbing my backpack in the process.

"Go go go! Harder faster!" My mind screams at me.

I stop for a moment. I feel like I'm going in circles, everything looks the same.

"Hey!" I hear a voice yell.

Sprinting I head forward, praying whoever is behind me doesn't catch up.

Zig this way, zag that way. Soccer skills are coming in handy.

I look back to see if there is anyone behind me. Nobody is in sight.

Turning back around I realize I have no time to stop. Before I know it I'm hurdling down a steep hill trying to grasp whatever I can to stop myself. With an abrupt stop I reach the end of the hill, slamming my head into a tree. I reach up to find blood.

I was never good with blood, I feel like I'm going to be sick.

I try to move, but I can't. I lay there motionless, staring up at a gap in the sky. I drift unto unconsciousness before I cam even count to 10. Worse part is Jake isn't here to save me this time. I am alone, I have no one.


I know I know short chapter sorry guys :/ Next chapter is going to be really long, so I had to keep this one short. I'm really excited for next chapter :)

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As I write more the more fun activities I will do with all of you, and tell you more about myself :)

Until next time.



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