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*****Holland's POV*****

It's been a couple weeks since I fell sleep in Harry's room, since I heard the beautiful words he whispered to me as I slept. Luckily when I woke up the next morning Harry was gone and I slipped into my room unnoticed.

The past few weeks have been mostly cleaning up the camp and rebuilding the map room. Harry hasn't been himself lately.

Hi emerald green eyes no longer were their bright vibrant selves, but now empty, sad ones. He's also been extremely rude lately. I'm actually beginning to feel him. He's always yelling at people and breaking things.

Our men were bringing in more hostages per day. At least 3 would be killed a day. I'm not sure if it was getting the governments attention but lord knows it got mine.

Of course Harry was the one to pull the trigger, he always was. Last week one of the other rebels shot a hostage Harry had planned on shooting himself. Instead of letting it go, he killed one of our own.

I tried my best to avoid him at all costs.

I was getting use to this place. I've met a couple more people on camp and it was finally beginning to feel comfortable. Kelly was her usual sweet self as usual. Things were honestly going fine.

I'm currently in my room while everyone else was outside. I of course woke up late today of all days.

I was just about to leave when I hard a knock at my door.

"Holland open the door," a voice came from outside the door.

I gulped as I knew that voice all too well.

I unlatched the door to have them slide open and reveal a very unhappy looking Harry.

"Harry, I'm so sorry I just woke up late is all it will never happen again," I pleaded praying he wouldn't hurt me too severely.

Instead of hurting me he threw a duffel bag on the bed.

"Pack your essentials and some clothes," he said, "come to my room when you're done."

With that he left me to pack. I didn't understand what was going on. Was the camp moving?

I continued packing till I heard another knock on the door and in stepped Kelly.

"Kelly why are you here? Shouldn't you be outside?" I asked curiously.

Kelly walked over to me and hugged my tightly. What in the world was happening?

"I can't say much," she said pulling away from the hug, "but know to be strong. Harry has his tempers, but he is truly a good man. He will keep you safe I can promise you that."

There was a long pause of silence.

"Kelly?" I asked, "am I going away?"

Kelly slightly nodded. My heart was shattered, I didn't want to leave! I just got here and was getting comfortable and I'm being sent away?!

I looked at Kelly as she was trying to compose herself as tears streamed down her face.

"Take this," she said putting something in my hand and closing it, "that way you know I'll always be here for you."

I opened my hand to see a clear stone with a white angel inside it in my hand.

I hugged Kelly tightly without even blinking, "thank you," I whispered.

"I'll be here when you return," she said smiling pulling away from the hug. With that Kelly left the room and left me on my own.

I slipped the angel in my pocket where I knew it would be safe, grabbed my bag, and headed towards Harry's room.

When I arrived to his room I noticed all his stuff was packed up on his bed he was leaning on with his arms crossed.

"I'm ready to go," I whispered not making eye contact with him as I stood in front of Harry.

"I see," he paused, "lets go then, I have a jet ready."

I nodded and we headed outside to the jet. The jet was hidden far in the woods so nobody would see us leaving.

We boarded the jet in silence. I didn't know where we were going, but I did know I was terrified. Not so much at the fact that I was going somewhere knew, but that I was alone with Harry. I know Kelly said he would keep me safe, but would he really? After all what killer protects someone he hates? I completely and utterly had no trust in Harry. Could I ever trust this killer? WILL I ever trust this killer?

With that we were off, just me, Harry, and the pilot. After some time on the jet I dosed off into peaceful slumber, forgetting the troubles in the world.

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