Chapter 2: Goodbyes

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I awoke to the sound of silence in the morning. I wish I could just lay here for the rest of my life, just turn invisible. Heavily sighing I rolled out of bed, and began to get dressed.

"Well no point in looking decent," I thought to myself, pulling out a plain black shirt and pants along with my black combat boots, black leggings, and my black jacket. No point in even trying any color, plus black perfectly described my life: dark end emotionless. Did I mention that we also have a strict dress code consisting of the colors: black, brown, navy blue, forest green, and on special occasions such as government celebration days, white? Yup, life is just amazing.

Looking in the mirror I adjusted my oversized jacket. It fit better before I lost a lot of weight. Now I looked like a stick in a parka. I examined my face. My once bright blue eyes now a dull blue, and puffy from crying. My messy red hair fell perfectly on my shouldes as usual. I heard there was a time when girls could wear makeup, but now it's against regulation along with any bright colorful accessories.

Taking one last look I left the house, not bothering to grab anything to eat. I know Jake told me to stay in the house, but I'm still to numb to care. I rather die in a place I love than die fighting for a country I rather fight against. Instead of stopping and laying down where I normally would I continued on to the creek. I haven't gone swimming in year. Why shouldn't I go one last time?

With that I took me jacket off and shoes, and dove into the water. I forgot what being weightless felt like. It feels like freedom. The coolness of the water stings my skin, but I don't mind. I close my eyes, hold my breath, and count to 10. Before I know it I'm at 10, but I can't bring myself to go up for air. Instead I remain still in the water welcoming what lies ahead for me.

My lungs scream for air, and my heart beats in my ears, but still I am to numb for air. Slowly I drift into a peaceful slumber, welcoming death as an old friend.

I awake in a beautiful field bloomed with may flowers. I look up and see a familira face staring down at me.

"Dad?" I ask the familiar stranger

"Hi pumpkin," he says smiling.

I sit up and hug him tighter than a snake hugging their food.

"I missed you so much," I say into his chest.

"I missed you too," he says kissing my head, "I missed you too."

"Dad?" I ask looking up at him

"Yes?" he answers

"Where I am?" I say getting up and examining the place around us.

"Heaven." He states

I walk over to a beatiful mirror sitting upon a tree and examine my white dress.

"You've grown so much, and I've missed so much and I'm so sorry for that," he states standing behind me staring at our images reflecting back to us in the mirror.

"I know I have, and it's okay I'm here now, and eventually mom will be too." I say smiling

"Holly I need you to listen to me," my dad says turning me around to face him, "I need you to wake up"

"Wait, what?" I ask puzzled.

"Holly we don't have much time left together here, but I need you to wake up," he pushes on.

"Wait, but I just got here, what's happening?" I ask frantically.

"Holly, I know this is going to make no sense right now," he says grabbing my hands and staring me in the eyes as I frantically look around. The beautiful place called heaven was now disappearing right before me eyes.

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