Welcome Home

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I was awakened by someone shaking me. My eyes fluttered open to see Harry stating at me.

"We're here," he announced.

I hopped out of the jet with my duffle and took a look at the house. It was in the complete and utter nowhere. You could see trees for miles, no other houses, it was insane.

I saw Harry talking to the pilot which turned out to be Shawn, gave him a hardy handshake then turned to me.

"Welcome home," he said coldly, then began to walk towards the house.

I followed close behind him as he neared the house. It was a pretty decent sized house. I knew that I was stuck out here with Harry. I wondered if anyone else lived here. Hopefully someone did or else I knew for sure I was a gonner.

Harry opened the door and gestured for me to walk in. I walked in and noticed the giant staircase in the center, all marble. This place looked like a palace too bad its king was Harry. This place was seriously huge.

"Come on lets go to your room," Harry said already walking up the marble stairs.

I followed him through the house till we finally reached room at the end of a hallway with double white doors. He opened the doors to reveal a beautiful huge room. It reminded me a lot of his the way it was set up except more vibrant.

"My room is right down the hall, the other room with a double set of doors. Let me know if you need anything," Harry spoke.

As Harry turned to leave I spoke up, "Harry, does anyone else live here with us?"

Harry sighed and looked at me, "no, it's just me and you, princess," he answered, "be down for dinner in an hour. Wear one of the dresses in your closet. Remember exactly one hour, we will talk then."


"Oh and Holland?" He questioned, "don't disobey me or make me angry, we both know what happens to people that don't listen to me."

With that Harry left me to get ready.

I entered the bathroom in my room, and turned on the light. I noticed the how beautiful the bathroom was. It was all white and had no windows. I opened one of the cabinets to find it filled with lady products, essentials, and hair tools. I decided I didn't have enough time to take a shower so I just dry shampooed my hair and straightened some wavy pieces. After that I applied some makeup.

Back at the camp Kelly had taught me how to apply makeup, and with practice I've been getting better at it. I applied some bb cream to even out my complexion and some mascara to bring out my eyes. After that I exited the bathroom and entered my closet.

The closet was fairly big. Towards the back of the closet I found the dresses neatly hung and picked out a floral one and added some converse to it to dress it down a little bit.

I dressed myself and looked in the mirror, I looked pretty decent. I stared at the heart shaped locket on my chest. It was my mother's but then she handed it down to me so a piece of her is always with me. I smiled at the memory of her giving the necklace to me. I glanced at the clock and noticed I had two minutes to get downstairs to talk with Mr. Bipolar.

I followed the scent of food down the stairs till I found Harry waiting for me in the dinning room.

I could already tell this talk was going to be just great.

"Sit please," Harry said motioning to the chair across from his.

I reluctantly sat down not ready to converse with Harry.

We ate in silence for a long time, it was extremely unsettling.  Then Harry spoke up.

"I owe you an explanation," he stated.

"I'm listening," i responded waiting for his answer.

"Holland I feel the need to protect you.  There is something very special about you that you do not know yet.  In fact nobody knows except for me at this point.  You and myself will need to stay here for a while, just us.  Nobody knows we are here but Shawn.  He has sworn to secrecy, and he is one of my best men.  Out here nobody will find you."

"Find me?" I abruptly asked.

"You're safe here Holland as long as you follow my orders."

"Like hell I'm going to follow your orders.  You took me away from the  place I was starting to call home and expect me to follow your orders and not ask why I'm so special!?  Fuck you Harry!" I said harshly pushing myself up from the tabel.

I began to storm away when Harry called out to me.

"Don't you dare turn your back on me!"  I heard him yell as his chair flew back.

"Oh yeah?" I questioned stopping to look over my shoulder, "watch me," i smirked.

I got about halfway up the stairs when i felt someone roughly tug on my arm nearly making me stumble a bit.

"Nobody turns their back on me," Harry angrily said through his teeth.

"Harry let me go," i commanded.

"Are you forgetting I'm the one in charge Holland?" He questioned.


"If you know what's good for you and your family back home you will listen to me and do as I say. Are you forgetting we are at war here? All I'm doing is trying to protect you, and what do you do? You turn your back on me to say thanks.  I only want the best for you Holland now dammit let me do my job." He said strenly.

I yanked my arm away from him and continued up the stairs till I reached my door.  I opened and slammed it.  I was sick of this place.

I fell into my bed.

I hated this place, I hated this war, I hated Harry, but most of all, I hated being alone.


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