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New Years Eve 2017-18

"Five.... four.... three.... two.... one..." Harry whispered, careful not to wake his sleeping lover, he needed his rest. "Happy New Year Louis." He kissed his head, grateful that he'd gotten to spend another year with him.

On New Years Eve, most 26 year olds are out drinking, partying, and having a great time. After all, your twenties are the prime of your life right? Well, not for Louis and Harry Tomlinson. Nearly ten years ago, Louis at the young age of 16 had been diagnosed with a very rare case of Adolescent Alzheimer's, and now, at 26 he was declining. Harry wasn't sure his husband would make it to 27.

Harry held Louis close to his chest, listening to the sounds of shouting and fireworks from outside, and hoping they didn't wake him. Of course, as always it seemed, his hopes were in vain. Louis' confused blue eyes fluttered open slowly. He grunted, expressing his discomfort and pulled his hands up over his ears, scared. The noises outside were frightening, and he had no idea what was going on.

"Hey Louis." Harry said softly, grabbing Louis' hands and pulling them away from his ears. "It's alright. It's a celebration. New Years." He explained slowly, hoping Louis would understand at least a little, it seemed that lately understanding was harder for him.

"N-n-nnnnew." Louis repeated slowly, trying hard to understand.

"Yeah, new." Harry smiled, "A new year."

Louis just stared at him blankly, as Harry held his hands. Another round of fireworks was heard, making Louis' body jolt a bit, as it startled and scared him.

"It's fireworks baby. Just fireworks." Harry reassured, although he knew that there was only about a fifty percent chance that Louis understood. "I have an idea." He rubbed his thumbs over Louis' knuckles. "How about we sing?" He knew that familiar songs, and singing calmed Louis, as well as helped his cognitive skills.

Louis smiled a little, liking the sound of Harry's voice when he spoke.

Giving Louis' hands a gentle squeeze, Harry started to sing the song he always sung to him when he was lost or confused. It was a song Louis' mum had sung to him as a child. It was very familiar and calming for him.

'You are my sunshine.

My only sunshine.

You make me happy

When skies are gray.

You'll never know dear,

How much I love you.

Please don't take my sunshine away.'

Louis tried to sing along as Harry sang, singing a quiet 'suh-shi' again and again, the only word from the song he could still manage. Harry remembered a time when Louis could sing all the words. He missed that.

When Louis' eyes started to droop, Harry slowly stopped singing, and allowed Louis to drift back to sleep again.

Harry closed his own eyes, trying to get some rest himself.

Sometime between worrying about Louis' health, and wondering what 2018 would bring, Harry managed to fall into a much needed sleep. Not sure if he was ready for the year that lay ahead.

Hi everybody! Thank you so so much for reading! This is my first ever book, and I'm not sure really how to get reads and promote it and stuff, so please comment and vote if you've liked it so far. I'd love any feedback you might have! All the love in the world and more xx


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