The Time of the Doctor and the Glorious [Part 5 - FINAL]

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Inside, Clara's flat, Kitchen...

"You know we're incredibly upset with you." Clara stated before taking a long drink from her wine glass as she and Lucas sat on the floor of her kitchen, backs against the counter doors, both of them having heard enough from their families still in the sitting room.

"Kinda figured after you smacked me on the back of the head." Sky responded before taking a drink from his own wine glass as he and Jupiter sat on the floor across from them.

"She promised." Lucas muttered, running a hand through his hair. "You all promised not to send us away."

"And we lied." Jupiter said. "It's what we do. We're a family of liars. But we did it to keep you safe. I mean, hell, me and Sky trapped ourselves here." She pointed at Lucas and Clara. "For you."

"You have Vortex Manipulators." Clara pointed out, grabbing the wine bottle she had sitting on the floor next to her before refilling her glass.

"We left them in the TARDIS." Sky replied.

"I wish you hadn't."
Lucas mumbled into his wine glass.

"I kinda wish we hadn't either." Jupiter smiled sadly, looking down at her lap.

"What's all this gloomy energy in here?" Margo asked as she entered the kitchen. "It's Christmas."

Lucas looked up at his mother's voice. "Mum, please..."

"I just came to see if you were okay." She told them. "You all seemed pretty down just a bit ago."

"We just... are sad because some friends of ours aren't coming." Clara told her, picking out her words carefully. "They're not able to."

"These must be some pretty important friends if they've got all of you this sad." Margo remarked, frowning as she looked around at the four of them.

"Oh, they are." Sky sighed, downing what was left in his glass. "But, there's nothing we can do about it."

Margo smiled. "Oh, but I think there is."

"What do you suggest we do then, Mother?" Lucas asked, glancing up at her.

"If something is this important to you," She began. "to all four of you, you shouldn't give it up. Go find your friends. Talk to them. See what it is you can do to get them to come around."

"Easier said than done." Jupiter muttered.

"Is it?" Margo raised an eyebrow just before a familiar wheezing noise was heard.

The Twins of Time and the Impossibles snapped to attention before all of them scrambled to their feet, rushing past Margo as they ran out of the kitchen, Clara snatching a pack of crackers off the counter as they went.

"Hm." Margo tilted her head, now standing alone in the kitchen. "I wonder what that could be about..."

Inside, TARDIS, Console room...

The quartet rushed into the TARDIS, stopping when they didn't see the Doctor and Lexi inside. Instead, it was Tasha.

"You can fly the TARDIS?" Clara raised an eyebrow.

"Flying the TARDIS was always easy." She nodded. "Only the Glorious could master flying the Doctor."

"What happened to them?" Sky demanded.

Tasha just gestured for him and Jupiter to help her fly the TARDIS, Lucas and Clara watching as they did so.

Outside, Town, Night...

𝑫𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 2 ⦆Where stories live. Discover now