We Say [Part 2]

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A/N: Here's the 2nd part of "We Say"! 😃

And it's the Doctor! ❤️

Summary: In this part, the Doctor reflects on how little he really knows of Clara and of her significance to not only him, but his wife as well...

Enjoy! 😘



"From the beginning, she was impossible." The Doctor spoke as he rounded the corner, emerging from a corridor. "The Impossible Girl."

He pursed his lips in thought, trying to process things as he passed various artifacts that were in the room.

"Of course, I can't say too much." He shrugged as he came to a stop before glancing off to the side and smiling slightly at the sight of Lexi's carved polymer clay journal laying on a small table next to a teacup on a saucer, the front of the journal displaying a blue owl in front a thirteen hour clock. "Lex has been dealing with this impossibly mad mystery for far longer than I have."

The Doctor shook his head before looking straight in front of him again as he continued deeper into the room.

"Still, I've joined her in the quest of finally figuring out what's going on." He chuckled softly. "Impossible Clara..."

The Doctor then came to a stop next to a burnt Dalek, said Dalek in a few different pieces given that it had been blown up.

"My mystery starts in the Dalek Asylum... I met Clara there." He said before he continued walking, waving his hand aimlessly as he talked. "I never saw her face, and she died."

The Doctor then came to a stop once more, now standing next to a manikin wearing Clara Oswin Oswald's Victorian gown.

"And then I met her again in Victorian London, and she died." He smiled slightly, picking a piece of lint of the dress. "Saved my life both times, by giving her own."

The Doctor then turned and walked a few paces away, hands on his hips.

"But now she's back and we're running together, and she's perfect." He smiled, looking down at the floor for a moment before looking back up. "Perfect in every way for me... Except she can't remember that we ever met."

The Doctor shrugged before turning and then walking a couple of steps and coming to a stop next to a pillar, Lexi's umbrella from Victorian London leaning against it.

"And I know it frustrates Lex, too. I mean, how can it not?" He said as he picked up the umbrella before gently swinging it like a bat in much the same way Lexi had at the glass globe containing the Great Intelligence when she took on the persona of one Dr. Johanna Watson. "She warned me that Miss Oswald would show up again... And of course, she was right. After all, she had her previous encounters with Mister Harper to go by."

The Doctor sighed, leaning the umbrella up against the pillar again before continuing on his way.

"Clara..." He whispered as he walked past the painting he had done in Cumbria in 1207 of Victorian Governess Clara. "My Clara..."

The Doctor then came to a stop in front of an immobilized Clara.

"Always brave, always funny, always exactly what I need." He pressed his lips into a thin line as he gazed down at her face. "Perfect... Too perfect."

The Doctor wrung his hands together while the immobilized Clara seemed to just stare straight at him.

"Get used to not knowing." He muttered, looking above her head before fixing his gaze on her face again. "I thought I never would... I was wrong."

The Doctor sighed as he turned around and walked a few paces away before suddenly turning back.

"I know who Clara Oswald is." He declared. "I know how she came to be in my life, and I know what she will always mean."

The Doctor smirked knowingly.

"I figured out everything... the day we went to Trenzalore."


A/N: Still want more? 😏

You've got the third part of this little mini-series coming up next.

Read on! 😃

💋 Love always,

𝑫𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 2 ⦆Where stories live. Discover now