The Day of the Doctor [Part 3]

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Inside, National Gallery, Small gallery, Day...

Kate nodded, two soldiers then pulling the portrait away, revealing a hidden doorway. "This way." She said, leading them down into a darker gallery.

Inside, National Gallery, Under Gallery, Passage...

"Welcome to the Under Gallery." Kate said as they walked further into the space. "This is where Elizabeth the First kept all art deemed too dangerous for public consumption."

The Doctor stopped, bending down and scooping up a handful of the sand-like material that covered the floor, then looked between the two rows of statues covered with sheets.

"Stone dust." He mused.

"Is it important?" Kate asked.

"In twelve hundred years, I've never stepped in anything that wasn't." The girl behind him made a noise, and he stood, pointing at her. "Oi, you. Are you science-y?"

She jumped. "Oh, er, well, er... yes."

"Got a name?"


"Good. I've always wanted to meet someone called Yes. Now, I want this stone dust analyzed, and I want a report in triplicate, with lots of graphs and diagrams and complicated sums on my desk tomorrow morning, ASAP, pronto, LOL. See? Job. Do I have a desk?"

"No." Kate shook her head.

"And I want a desk."

"You know, I don't think I ever asked your name." Lexi stated as she glanced at the young blonde woman in the long royal blue trench-coat standing next to her.

"Sonata. Doctor Lake Sonata." Lake gave her a kind smile.

"Peculiar name, Lake Sonata." Lexi titled her head.

"Maybe. But it's mine." She shrugged, making Lexi giggle before looking straight ahead again.

Lexi tilted her head, looking at the young brunette woman. "Now, dearie, what's your real name?"

"Osgood." She answered.

Lexi nodded once, giving her a kind smile. "Do as the Doctor says, Osgood." She then turned to follow the Doctor as he went ahead. "Oh, and don't forget to use that inhaler!"

Inside, National Gallery, Under Gallery, Hall...

The Doctor walked past a display case, paused, then walked back. He grinned, lifting the case up before removing the fez from inside and putting it on his head.

Clara just sighed. "Some day, you could just walk past a fez."

Lucas snorted. "Like that'll ever happen."

"Ha!" The Doctor laughed, snapping his fingers at Lucas before they all then followed after Kate into another room.

Inside, National Gallery, Under Gallery, Main room...

They walked into another room that was brightly lit and had wood floors that was littered with numerous shards of glass. On the wall were more 3D paintings.

"3D again." Clara noted.

"Hm." Lexi hummed as she crouched down, carefully picking up a larger shard of glass. "Interesting..."

Lucas looked down at what she was examining. "The broken glass?"

"Where it's broken from." Lexi corrected as she stood back up to her full height. "Look at the shatter pattern. The glass on all these paintings has been broken from the inside."

𝑫𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 2 ⦆Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu