We Say [Part 1]

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A/N: Hello, everyone! 😁

This is the first part of a four-part mini-episode mini-series that I'm basing off of the Doctor Who prequel for "The Name of the Doctor". 🙂 I've just expanded it a bit in order to accommodate the additions of Lexi (A.k.a. The Glorious) and Lucas. ❤️

Summary: In this part, Clara reflects on how little she actually knows about the Doctor, and about his greatest secret known only to one individual other than himself...

Enjoy! 😘



"One day you meet the Doctor." Clara spoke as she rounded the corner, emerging from a corridor. "And of course, it's the best day ever."

She giggled at the thought, shaking her head as she passed various artifacts that were in the room.

"It's just the best day of your life." She sighed fondly, walking past a table with the helmet of a Martian Ice Warrior on top. "Because... because he's brilliant, and funny, and mad, and best of all... he really needs you."

Clara smiled as she stopped next to a pillar, taking note of a Polaroid taped to it.

"Just ask his wife." She said softly, running a gentle finger over the Polaroid of Lucas and Lexi in front of the back of Caliburn House when they were trying to help Alec Palmer and Emma Grayling pinpoint the Caliburn 'ghost'. "The Glorious could tell you just how much she knows the Doctor needs her. But what she won't say... is how much she needs him."

Clara then smirked, walking a few paces ahead before pulling down the CASTLE POWER lever from Cyberiad.

"And once you start running," She began as she turned away from the lever, taking a a couple steps forward. "you start to forget. Slowly."

Clara crossed her arms before turning and resuming walking once more.

"And after a while," She started, then uncrossing her arms as she walked past the chess table with a Cyberman sitting behind it. "you just stop asking."

Clara came to a stop in front of an immobilized Doctor.

"Who are you?" She tilted her head as she gazed up at his face. "Where are you from? What set you on your way and where are you going? Oh... And what is your name?"

Clara then shrugged as the immobilized Doctor seemed to stare straight back at her.

"Yeah, used to not knowing." She sighed, turning her gaze away from him before quickly looking at him again. "I thought I never would... I was wrong."

Clara then turned around and walked a few paces away before abruptly turning back.

"I know who he is." She declared. "I know how he began and I know where he's going."

Clara smiled slightly in satisfaction.

"I learnt the truth about the Doctor and his greatest secret. The secret known only to one individual other than himself." She smirked knowingly. "But I don't think I need to tell you who that is."

Clara looked down at the floor for a moment, considering her next words before looking back up once again.

"I learned about everything." She stated surely. "The day we went to Trenzalore."


A/N: Ooh... Interesting, is it not? 😏

This little "The Name of the Doctor" prequel series is shaping up to be really fun! 😁

Next, we have the second part.

Read on! 😃

💋 Love always,

𝑫𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 2 ⦆Where stories live. Discover now