Nightmare in Silver [Part 4]

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Inside, Castle, Upper Gallery...

"The only way you can report this now is to activate the bomb." Porridge said as he and the former Captain were talking.

"Yes." She nodded.

"And I forbid you to do that."

"I don't get it." Clara's voice suddenly spoke up, making Porridge and the former Captain look to see Clara and the Doctor climb up the stairs to join them. "Why would you blow up a whole planet, and everybody on it, just to get rid of one Cyberman?"

"Isn't it obvious, Clara?" The Doctor asked, gesturing to Porridge and the former Captain. "Why would they need to do something so... massive to get rid of one single Cyberman? It is, of course, because they've already tried other ways. However, they only work occasionally. So, now they take drastic action."

"And it works." Porridge said in confirmation.

"If you find a Cyberman and you can't destroy it immediately, you implode the planet." The former Captain nodded as she picked up the bomb. "I was sent here because I didn't follow orders. I can make up for that."

"Put it down!" Clara ordered. "I forbid you."

"Yeah, what she said." Porridge nodded.

"You ran away." The former Captain accused him. "I will do what I was brought up to do. Live for the Empire, die for the Empire." She took a deep breath. "This is Captain Alice Ferrin, Imperial ID one nine delta one three B. Activate-"

A Cyberman shot hit Alice suddenly, and she fell. Dead.

"Cyberman!" Porridge shouted as they all turned. "Get down!"

Inside, Castle, Halls...

"Remember what I said." The Doctor spoke as he and Clara lead the soldiers through the castle. "We need to get somewhere easily defensible."

"But if we stay in the castle, it'll pick us off one by one." Clara pointed out, pausing as she turned to the Doctor.

"And what does that tell you we need to do?" The Doctor raised an eyebrow at her.

"...We have to take it out."

"Is that an order, ma'am?" One of the soldiers, a heavyset man named Ha-Ha, questioned her.

Clara glanced at him and nodded. "Yes."


"You know what to do." She nodded to the pulsars.

"A pulse to the back of the head, fry the brain circuit interface." The Doctor reminded them all as he held up the pulsar he had, pointing at it. "Although, it is going to be hard to get in close enough."

Inside, Warehouse...

A Cyberman lowered two soldiers to the floor before making its way towards Ha-Ha, who was standing just outside the door.

"I've heard about the Cybermen since I was in my cradle." Ha-Ha told the Cyberman as it approached him. "I'm not afraid of you!"

"Now!" Clara shouted before Ha-Ha jumped out of the way, Clara then firing the pulse rifle and disintegrating the Cyberman.

Standing, Ha-Ha laughed in relief as Clara looked amazed at what she'd just done.

The two soldiers then suddenly stood, cyber-implants attached to their left ears.

"Hold it right there!" Ha-Ha shouted.

"What's happening to them?" Clara asked, nonetheless preparing to fire the pulse gun again. "One more step, and I fire!"

𝑫𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 2 ⦆Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin