We Say [Part 4 - FINAL]

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A/N: Here's the 4th (and final) part of "We Say"! 😁

And of course, it's our glorious Lexi Pond! 😎

Summary: In this part, 'the Glorious' reflects on how little she really knows of Lucas, and of his significance to not only her, but her husband as well...

Enjoy! 😘



"From the beginning, he was impossible." Lexi spoke as she rounded the corner, emerging from a corridor. "The Impossible Man."

She shook her head in disbelief as she passed various artifacts that were in the room.

"And to think," She began as she stopped next a manikin that was wearing the outfit she had worn on the seventeenth century pirate ship. "I've actually had a mystery, this impossible mystery, to wonder about for longer than even the Doctor."

Lexi smiled wide, taking hold of the sword that was attached to the belt of the red pirate dress.

"My mystery starts on a seventeenth century pirate ship where a misunderstood Siren was just trying to heal people that got even the slightest bit hurt... I met Lucas there." She said, brandishing the sword slightly before attaching it to the pirate dress's belt again. "He saved my life by relinquishing his own."

Lexi sighed as she continued walking before coming to a stop next to a pillar, taking note of the colored pencil drawing that was taped to it.

"I then met him again at Demons Run." She said softly, gently running her fingers over the colored sketch of a river running through a forest underneath a starry night sky, an accurate drawing of the planet Jupiter proudly in said starry night sky. "He died in my arms after saving my life by sacrificing his own."

She then quickly turned away from the pillar before walking a few paces ahead and stopping next to the burnt and blown up Dalek.

"And then you of course remember the Dalek Asylum... Where Lucas showed up yet again." She sighed at the memory. "I never saw his face then, but nonetheless he showed up, was amazing, and then died. Again."

Lexi then continued walking before coming to a stop once more, this time next to a manikin that was wearing Lucas Hawthorne Harper's Victorian suit and top hat.

"And then, a lot of years later, I met him for a fourth time. This instance taking place in Victorian London." She smiled slightly, taking hold of the top hat before tossing it in the air and catching it in her hands. "And, surprise surprise, he died again."

Lexi then just tossed the top hat over her shoulder, not caring where it landed.

"He saved my life all four times by giving up his own." She said as she continued walking. "Impossible Lucas..."

Lexi then stopped next to the chess table with the Cyberman sitting behind it.

"But now, he's back and we're running together, and he's perfect." She grinned, moving a piece and checkmating the inactive Cyberman. "He's perfect in every way for me... Except he can't remember that we ever met."

Lexi shrugged before then turning and walking a couple of steps and coming to a stop next to a small table, the glasses the Doctor wore in Victorian London resting on top.

"And I know it frustrates the Doctor, too. I mean, have you met him?" She rolled her eyes playfully at the thought, picking up the glasses and putting them on. "I warned him that Miss Oswald was going to show up again. And do you know what?... I was right. After all, I had two previous encounters with Mister Harper to look back on."

Lexi sighed, taking off the glasses and placing them back down on the table before continuing on.

"Lucas..." She whispered as she walked past the painting she had done in Cumbria in 1207 of Victorian Tutor Lucas. "My Lucas..."

Lexi then came to a stop in front of an immobilized Lucas.

"Always selfless, always brave, always exactly what I need." She tilted her head as she gazed into his eyes. "Perfect... Too perfect."

Lexi tucked a strand of hair behind her ear while the immobilized Lucas seemed to just stare straight at her.

"I've gotten used to not knowing." She muttered, crossing her arms as she continued to gaze at his face. "I thought I never would... I was wrong."

Lexi sighed again as she turned around, walking a few paces away before suddenly turning back.

"I know who Lucas Harper is." She declared. "I know how he came to be in my life, and I know what he will always mean."

Lexi smirked knowingly.

"I finally figured out everything... the day we went to Trenzalore."


A/N: WOW! 😃

That was a lot of fun! ❤️

I hope this little mini-series has gotten you excited for the upcoming episode. 😬 (The episode that I am now going to start work on.)

Anyway, that's pretty much it for now.

I suppose I will depart from y'all for the time being until... "The Name of the Doctor"!!! 🎉

Until then! 😘

💋 Love always,

𝑫𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 2 ⦆Where stories live. Discover now