We Say [Part 3]

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A/N: Here's the 3rd part of "We Say"! 💕

And it's Lucas! 😍

Summary: In this part, Lucas reflects on how little he actually knows about the Glorious, and about something that she's never voiced to anyone...

Enjoy! 😘



"One day, you'll meet the Glorious." Lucas spoke as he rounded the corner, emerging from a corridor. "And, it will no doubt be one of, if not the most strange day of your life."

He chuckled at the thought, smiling wide as he passed various artifacts that were in the room.

"You never quite know what's awaiting you once you step out of that gorgeous blue box." He sighed fondly, walking past a table with a large bowl of those luminous blue fruits from Akhaten. "And the Glorious... she takes it all as it comes. No matter what."

Lucas smiled as he stopped next to a bookshelf, taking note of how Lexi's carved polymer clay journal was now on a small stand and being displayed proudly.

"She's sassy and witty, she's mad and spontaneous, she's loyal and protective, but most of all... she's glorious." He eyed the journal, gently running his fingers over the cover. "It's tempting, isn't it?... Best not look in there, though."

Lucas then gently pat the journal once before walking a few paces ahead, coming to a stop in front of the chess table with the Cyberman.

"The Glorious is capable of more than she at first leads people to believe." He said as he picked up one of the chess pieces, twirling it between his fingers. "And then, when it comes time, she proves just how apt her title is for her."

Lucas sighed, setting the chess piece back down before turning and resuming walking once more.

"Your life will never truly be the same after you meet her and her husband." He stated as he walked past a female pirate's outfit, complete with a hat and sword. "Whether that turns out to be something good or bad... well, you'll have to experience it and decide for yourself."

Lucas then came to a stop in front of an immobilized Lexi.

"You are damn near fearless." He tilted his head as he considered her. "But that can't be completely true."

Lucas looked her up and down as he circled her.

"What goes on in that brilliant head of yours?" He asked as he came to a stop beside her, now looking at her profile. "Who are you, really? What set you on your way and where are you going? Or, better yet, where do you want to go?"

Lucas then walked the rest of the way around to stand directly in front of her once again.

"Why does the Doctor call you 'Lex' while nearly everyone else calls you by your title? Why do you prefer it that way?" He tilted his head as he gazed into her eyes. "You are a gloriously brilliant individual... There's never been anyone like you before."

Lucas bit his lip in thought as he looked down at the floor before looking back up again.

"Like I said, you can't be completely fearless. That's not possible. In fact, it's... impossible. Everyone's afraid of something." He crossed his arms as he continued to look at her. "So... what are you scared of?"

Lucas then shrugged as the immobilized Lexi seemed to just continue to stare straight back at him.

"You get used to not knowing." He sighed, uncrossing his arms. "I thought I never would... I was wrong."

Lucas then turned around and walked a few paces away before abruptly turning back.

"I know who she is." He declared. "I know how she began and I know where she's going."

Lucas smiled slightly in his own satisfaction.

"I learnt the truth about the Glorious and her greatest fear." He smirked knowingly. "The fear she hasn't voiced to anyone."

Lucas looked down at the floor again, considering his next words before looking back up once more.

"I learned about everything." He stated surely. "The day we went to Trenzalore."


A/N: Ooh... Ominous, right? 😏

Only one more part left of this prequel mini-series.

Read on! 😃

💋 Love always,

𝑫𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑬𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒔 ☆ The Glorious Series ⦅ BOOK 2 ⦆Where stories live. Discover now