Hyde Park

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Summary: As Archie's older sister you return to Riverdale amid the closing of the Jason Blossom murder case when tragedy strikes your life. Traumatized you race home from England to the comfort of your Dad's arms. To think it tragedy would strike again in the Andrews family just weeks are your return.

Characters: Jughead Jones x Andrews!Reader, Archie Andrews, Fred Andrews, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, OFC!Ruth Abbott, and Mary Andrews

Words: 2752

Disclaimer: I do not own Riverdale or the characters. Nor do I own any images, gifs, jokes and lyrics that may appear in this.

Warnings: Swearing, injuries, traumatic event, Riverdale shooting, death (mentioend), fluff and angst

Walking towards your seats near the front of the room in the concert area you giggled with the girl beside you. Both with a closed can of alcohol, thank god for the youngest age limit, you were excited for the concert to begin. It was your first in your new home and to have it with the first person you connected with after the flight you were ecstatic.

"Oh my god! I can't believe we're seeing this!" Ruth screamed over the music. It was getting you pumped and hearing Ruth's accent really set into your mind.

"Best way to end the week and our break begins!" You yelled back as the announcer called out the band.

"I hope your pumped London! Give it up for Machine Gun Kelly!" The entire Hype Park area freaked as he walked on stage.

You weren't crazy obsessed with him but Ruth was a massive fan so when he announced he would be appearing in the small concert you knew you had to come. Getting cheap tickets was easy when you knew the right people.

"We're going to start with Bad Things!" MGK called out before it began.

Ruth and you abandoned your empty cans on the ground to dance in your area not caring about anything. You weren't sure how long it was before someone managed to get on stage.

"GET DOWN!" They screamed before a ear bursting loud boom split the area with grass and dirt flying everywhere. The stage crashed from the force, you didn't know what was up or down but you knew something was wrong. Someone had spilt their beer on you and the glass had hit you because you hurt so much.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?!" Ruth screamed trying to shove pass people in a fury to move.

You whimpered when you were pushed on to the ground where panicked feet moved different ways. You blacked out when a shoe slammed into your face.

"Archie come here!" Fred Andrews yelled from the living room. His eyes stuck on the tv screen.

"I'm bu-"

"Archibald! NOW."

The frenzy nearly had Archie fall down the stairs in his hurry to get to his Dad. Archie hadn't heard his father yell that before. He was unprepared when he found Fred collapsed into a chair with his hands clasped together in front of his face. On the screen was flashing lights and a newscast speaking with a banner going across the bottom.

A Tragedy Has Struck Westminster, London at Hyde Park.

"What's going on Dad?"

"Call your sister."

"Dad I'm sure she's fine. She's been busy with school." Archie nervously said biting his lip, "She broke her phone."

There wasn't much the Andrews' men could do as the information came forth.

"Just four short months after a bomb went off at the Manchester Arena another concert tragedy has occurred. In Hyde Park the musician Machine Gun Kelly had a concert when just shy of half way through a bomb was detonated. No information has come forth on the numbers injured and dead but we have facts to believe it's in the dozens."

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