The Break

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Summary: After your mother, Mary, is dragged into the rift with Lucifer you take off for a break from hunting. Coming to a small town called Riverdale you adapt to normal life and get some friends and a boyfriend. They have no idea of your real life until trouble comes. 

Characters: Jughead Jones x Winchester!Reader, Betty Cooper, Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, Lacey (OFC), Chuck Clayton, Sam Winchester (mentioned) and Dean Winchester (mentioned).

Words: 2512

Disclaimer: I do not own Riverdale or Supernatural in any way, shape or form. I do not own any gifs or images in there either. All I own is Lacey and the reader too.

Warnings: Swearing, angst, blood, monsters, and fluff

 You were staring up at the building with interest given you only had a few weeks in each school you arrived at. This was the first one you could be staying at for an indefinite time and you weren't sure how you would survive.

"Who is that?" Your keen hearing picked up from a short distance from you.

You shoved the book bag filled with supplies that Sam had helped you pick out with a tense silence between you too. As your older brother he wasn't excited to not have you close by. The thing was that after your mother was dragged into the rift by Lucifer. Sixteen years ago, revealed to your siblings and you by Chuck, Mary was brought to life in order to make another full Winchester child. You were sure it had to do with the Nephilim that Chuck knew would happen.

"I have no clue Kev."

"She's so badass." Kevin mumbled as you stomped your way into the school in your beat up black converse. You wore a dark jean jacket that Dean had gotten you for your sixteenth birthday to replace the genuine leather jacket a fucking vampire ripped.

"Damn girl." You sighed hearing a cocky tone of voice, "Where've you been all my life?"

"None of your business." You grumbled carrying on before you felt a hand on your upper back.

Twisting away you grabbed his arm to twist behind his back, you tripped him onto the ground to get in the proper place to snap his arm. His crying was the one thing you relished in.

"Ow! You bitch!" The boy cried trying to get you off, "You will pay!"

"Not as expensive as your hospital bill." You spat dislocating his shoulder, "Don't touch me you fucking pig."

You scooped your bag into your hand taking off towards the office leaving the boy on the ground in pain in a circle of students. You felt happy knowing that it would keep people away for a while. Besides you would be kept in shape so you keep your stamina you signed up for the cross country running team.

After a tour by Principal Weatherbee you collapsed onto a group in the student lounge during your spare. Living in the bunker you had corresponded with a school enough that with Sam's help you had credits for classes you needed here.

"You dislocated Chuck Clayton's arm and I'm living for it." A sophisticated voice said as she sat down in the chair near you. One leg over the over with a smirk in place, "Veronica Lodge."

"He touched me." You grumbled leaning back into the couch, "Y/N Campbell."

"Where are you from?" Veronica questioned. You tensed up a little before mumbling a small town in Kansas. She hummed as more student filed into the room including a football player you saw help Chuck up.

"Hey Ronnie." A blonde girl said bouncing into the room with a large smile.

There was a redhead wearing a varsity jacket with gold and blue on it with a large R on the left side of it. Beside him was a boy that made the red head look like stark opposites. This boy wore a black jacket over a burgundy sweater and grey shirt. The crown beanie stood out the most on his head covering the dark hair.

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