The Partner Revealed (Part 6)

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Pairing: Jughead Jones x Reader

Description: After the Drive-In's incident, will things between them return to normal? Jason's memorial reveals more than they expected about the case.

Warnings: Cheryl's bullying; other than that, I think you're good.

Word count: 3964

Y/N's point of view

Y/N squints her eyes when sunlight invades her room, hitting her mirror and eventually her face. She's been up all night after the Drive-In, with everything about it still clear in her memory. First, the long wait for Jughead, then the way his arm rested on the back of her seat, his breathing close to her skin... She imagines what his lips would've felt like, had he not backed away. Anyway, it's no good wasting time on what ifs, so she gets up to take a shower and change the clothes that still smell like buttered popcorn and men's cologne. The warm water falls down her body, soaking her hair and slowing her thoughts, finally getting her mind out of that.

She leaves water droplets and wet footprints on the floor heading to her room. Y/N didn't take a towel, knowing she was still alone, something more often than not. She loves it, actually, for a few phone calls a week are all this independent girl can handle from her parent's loud personality. Y/N remembers about Betty's offer while getting dressed and reflects if she should accept it. Maybe spending more time with Jughead is not such a good idea, giving the previous night's events – and the way she's been drifting from her goals. Looking at her writing desk, she sees that old homework still lying there, unfinished. She writes its last paragraph with ease, and carefully places it in a folder, inside her Y/F/C backpack. It feels good to be a multitasker, after all.

Without realizing, she's standing in front of the Blue and Gold's office door. Apparently, her desire to be with Jug is stronger than her mind. Y/N doesn't even have to knock for Betty to open the door, and she does it with a smile. "I knew you'd say yes.", the blonde cheerleader says grabbing Y/N's hand and pulling her in. "It will look good on my college applications.", she claims, not wanting to reveal the unconscious reason she's there: the magnetic quintessence of Jones III. "Where's Jug?", she asks looking around. "He went to get Kevin. You know Kev's dad is the Sh..." "Sheriff, yes.", she completes Betty's sentence. "Right. Last night someone broke into their home and destroyed his murder board.", the blonde discloses, fixing a styrofoam board and some thumbtacks. "Damn. Things are getting serious.", Y/N quivers. "Thankfully Kevin had a good look of how it was before it got smashed.", Betty says with a rascal look. "So we're making our very own murder board, Miss Drew?", Y/N infers excitedly.

The door opens and both Kevin and Jughead walk in. Jughead looks flabbergasted at the sight of Y/N. It's understandable, after his lack of action at the Drive-In, but she can't help wondering that he's distraught like that because he doesn't want to see her anymore. Betty notices the weird vibe coming from them and goes help Kevin pinning pictures with names and newspaper cut-outs at the board, giving them space to talk. "I... I don't... Don't...", Jughead stutters. "Don't worry about it. Let's pretend it never happened." She knows it won't be forgotten, but she's committed not to bring it up again so that awkwardness between them can disappear once and for all. Jughead simply smiles and nods. She can almost feel the weight being pulled from his shoulders. They both join the others on the murder board.

The group not only enjoy the new set of eyes they have on the case but brainstorm about who could've broken in the Sheriff's house. Kevin shares with them a list of things that were stolen: files, background checks, audio and videotapes of the interviews. Whoever did it was smart enough not to leave fingerprints behind, and Jughead adds the fact they chose that specific night to do so, with everyone at the Twilight, including Sheriff Keller himself, patrolling. Y/N suggests it may not even be the killer who stole the stuff, but she doesn't have time to explain her point of view as Trev walks in. He asks if his date with Betty is still up. Y/N thinks that's odd, for it seemed the blonde was recently desperately in love with Archie Andrews, but believes it's probably for the best she's moving on. As soon as the ex-football player leaves, Kevin bombards Betty with questions about her date. She claims it's just an intelligence gathering, but everyone heard her call it a date with an ear-to-ear smile. Bets tries to justify herself saying they have the upper hand, not the Sheriff, being able to access the kids at Riverdale High in a way he never will, and that she's just taking advantage of that. They can't go against it, but it's highly unlikely that Kevin will let that go any time soon.

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