The Partner Revealed (Part 7)

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Pairing: Jughead Jones x Reader

Description: Revelations on Jason's case burn through.

Warnings: None I can think of. But I suck at warnings...

Word count: 3281

Y/N's point of view

Y/N wakes up in fright, heart pounding off her chest, barely breathing. The loud noises that interrupted her slumber are coming from downstairs. She gets up as quickly and silently as possible and grabs the baseball bat her uncle gave her when she turned 14, which has been neglected to the corner of the room ever since. Gathering all her courage, the girl walks down the stairs slowly, avoiding the creaking steps she learned to skip when sneaking out at night, hoping it's not Jason's killer, for a 16-year-old with a bat she doesn't even know how to use won't stand a chance against someone with a gun that has already killed a teenager.

At the bottom of the stairs someone is coming up with boxes covering their face. She gets scared and swings, missing whoever is there by a hair. "Wow. Sweetie, it's me." Her father's familiar voice calms her. He drops his box at the step and takes the baseball bat from her as she still looks distressed. It takes her a few seconds to process she's safe, but as soon as she does, her arms are around her father. "No love for moma?" Y/N sees her mother, of whom she's the spitting image, standing by the open front door. She runs down to hug the woman just as tight as she did her dad. "You guys didn't tell me you were coming.", she says, happy to see them instead of a killer. "We wanted to surprise you." "That you sure did." They all laugh, as that wasn't exactly the welcome they were expecting. "Do you need help unpacking?" Y/N notices the mess everywhere. "No, you go get ready for school. We'll deal with all this", her mother instructs, pointing at everything around the living-room with a 'why did we brought so much stuff' look.

Y/N gets back to her room without any guilt for not helping them. She's used to them coming back home with extra luggage. The girl did try to help once, but they just ended up making a bigger mess. It's a lot earlier than she planned on waking up, so she takes that time to finish her articles for the Blue and Gold. Time flies by and she only notices when her belly roars in hunger. The girl quickly changes out of her pijamas into high waisted jeans and a loose tank top. Reaching the kitchen, she finds suitcases and boxes full of stuff they brought from the trip piled everywhere, making it impossible to eat, let alone cook there. "I'm going to Pop's for breakfast.", she shouts grabbing a jacket from the coat hanger. "Wait! We didn't even have time to catch up." Her mom comes out from behind a pile of boxes. "We'll do that at dinner, when I come back to this house the way it was before you arrived, young lady.", Y/N says playfully. "Oh. Bring your boyfriend for dinner.", Y/F/N requests. "He's not my boyfriend." She blushes. "Of course not, you just spend a lot of time with him, talking about him, thinking about him...", Y/M/N teases. "Ok, I got it. See ya later." Y/N blows them a kiss and heads out.

The girl is glad to be reminded of Jughead. She texts him on her way to the diner.

From: Y/N

Wanna have breakfast at Pop's? My treat.

From: Jughead

Would love to, but I'm heading to Betty's for breakfast. I'm gonna distract her mom while she tries to find out where Polly was taken to.

Y/N doesn't reply, perplexed to why she wasn't included in their plan. She's not mad at Jug, but rather disappointed in Betty. After the memorial, she was sure they were on the same page. Clearly not. Nonetheless, she's not gonna let that stop her from getting the best milkshakes in town before class.

Jughead's point of view

The chair in the Blue and Gold office is way more comfortable than his mattress on the floor. Nevertheless, whenever Jughead tries to sleep there, he ends up staying up late, writing. Tonight is one of those nights. Without any major development on the Jason Blossom case, the novelist doesn't really have much to add to the story but editing is just as important. Jug can't move past the paragraph about the first time he met Y/N by the edge of Sweet Water River just after the body was removed. It's the way she's written in, skeptical and cold, that got him stuck, realizing he doesn't relate to that at all. Even so, at the same time, it's how he felt back then. Since he promised she'd be the first to read his finished work, the writer can't imagine letting her read those as his first words about her.

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