T W E N T Y | S H O R T D A N C E

Start from the beginning

"I didn't call, because I actually work instead of wasting my time gliding on the ice."

Rosaura was hurt by the comment. She knew Haya didn't care for her skating career, but she always made her feel insignificant and small. "You know what, I don't want to have this conversation with you." Rosaura rubbed her injured arm, "Every time I come home, you have a problem with me and guess what? I'm done arguing with you. I don't care what you think about me anymore."

With that as her last word, Rosaura turned up the radio station and choose to ignore her sister for the rest of the ride.


Her dad was the one who welcomed her inside the house. He pulled her into a big hug, "I've missed your kiddo."

Vaguely, she saw Haya rolling her eyes and climbing the stairs, but Rosaura ignored it. She felt tears pricking out of the corner of her eyes. It had been nearly a year since she had been home. After practicing overseas Val and Rosaura had directly moved to London, Ontario and her father had been unable to get time off of work. When Rosaura walked into he kitchen, she was surprised to see her mom was missing.

"Is mom not home?"

Her dad gave her a reassuring smile. "She's home but taking a nap, she'll be up in a bit."

It was then Rosaura realized how tired she herself was. "I think I'll do the same. Wake me up for dinner."

Her dad nodded. "I will, it's good to have you back." He added softly.

"It's good to be back."

Rosaura dragged herself up the stairs before opening her door. The room was tidy and smelled like peaches. It was probably her mother who had cleaned for her arrival. Rosaura collapsed on the bed and in a few seconds, she was asleep.

When Rosaura woke up a few hours later, she was disoriented and confused. It took a few moments to recall that she was back in her parent's house in Vancouver. She tumbled out of bed to the aroma of what she was pretty sure was Udon. Opening her bedroom door, she was surprised to see her father on the other side smiling.

"Good, you're awake. I was just coming to wake you up."

Rosaura smiled. "I could smell the food from a mile away."

Her Dad laughed before heading down the stairs. "Come on, dinner's ready."

Rosaura practically leaped down the stairs. She saw her mom seated at the table and ran to give her a hug. It felt comforting before her mom started to cough. Rosaura let go alarmed, "Are you okay?"

Her mom responded by handing her a pair of chopsticks. "Don't worry about me. Eat, I know you are hungry."

Rosaura listened to her and began eating her meal. The first few moments at the Simmons table were silent occasionally broken by the sound of her mom's cough.

"Have you taken a cough syrup?" she asked.

"I'm fine," her mom counter, ignoring her question.

Rosaura took another bite of her food. "The noodles taste a bit different, is it store bought?"

Her Dad nodded. "I picked it up a few minutes ago."

Rosaura frowned. Her mom usually loved cooking Udon and hated takeout. But it made sense if she had made an exception because of her cough. Rosaura turned around to see her sister staring at their mother and gripping her chopsticks tightly.

Rosaura couldn't help but ask, "What is wrong with you?"

Her sister didn't reply but the chopsticks broke under the pressure of her arm. "You know what, I'm done with this! I'm done with you all being fake and doting over Rosaura."

Her gaze hardened as it turned towards Rosaura, who tried not to flinch. "It's pathetic, you come here, not knowing anything and give your suggestions. They aren't needed or remotely wanted. I don't feel like seeing any of your faces for another second, pretending everything is fine."

And before they could say anything, her sister got up and exited the kitchen. "I'm going to my boyfriend's house, so I don't have to deal with you all." She added before slamming the door shut.

Rosaura was confused at her behaviour. Her sister was rude, but never to their parents. Puzzled, she turned to face them, but they just forced a smile and told her to continue eating. Rosaura didn't have an appetite but she also different have the heart to have another daughter disappoint them. As so, she ate the noodles, a little less happy than she had been minutes ago. 


So what do you think about Rosaura's family? Her sister in particular? There is also some foreshadowing here;)

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