(6)Female anatomy

Start from the beginning

"A warlock. It's one of the Downworlders." Isabelle stated casually, already forgetting that we had no idea what the hell a 'downworlder' even was. "Warlocks, vampires, Seelie's." Jace listed off as me and Clary glanced at each other mentally deciding that these people were crazy.

I watched Isabelle and Alec walk off, whispering between themselves a private, what I assume to be sibling conversation and then turn my attention back to Jace, my face bewildered.

"Literally my brain is about to explode." I deadpanned making Jace sigh quietly before muttering an "Jeez, all right."

"The downworlders are beings that are part human and part demon, and are the demonic counterpart of Shadowhunter's, which in this case is us. Warlock's are like wizards, there are vampires, werewolves and Seelie's which are basically faeries." Jace stated as I nodded slowly, the information coming together making it easier to piece together all the knowledge I now know.

Before any of us have a chance to ask any questions, the room is filled with the incessant and slightly irritating noise of Clarys ringtone. Immediately she pulls the item out of her pocket and answers it, and I can't say I'm surprised at who it is.

"Simon... Okay I'll come out in 5, give me a second to get changed... Simon relax I'll meet you out there in 5 minutes ok?" Clarry conversed with Simon before hanging up and turning her attention to Jace. "what happened to our clothes?"

"Demon venom. Isabelle left you these." He said handing Clary an outfit before walking over and handing me one also. "You're kidding, right?" Clary questioned staring down at the leather dress in her hand that was short, tight and had a plunging neck.

Basically, the opposite of Clarys outfits.

"She's very comfortable with her body." Jace stated making me smile at his unshameful and respecting answer. I stare at my own outfits and immediately decide that I love it; it was a dress with sheer striped and black material in between the singular sheer lace. The dress had a black sweetheart neckline with lace showing cleavage and the top hand of the stomach, and it was black and reached just below mid-thigh. "Okay." I stated before standing up and following clary into the room she had woken up in.

After changing into the outfits, I hear a knock at the door and walk over to open it only to be stopped by Alec and Jace both walking in.

"What the hell?" I ask bewildered, my face a mixture of confusion and shock at the fact that they didn't even wait to be called in but took it upon themselves to just barge in instead. "What?" Alec replied, his tone, per usual, uncaring as he leaned against the large, mahogany desk at the side of the room.

I knit my brows together whilst folding my arms, the sass and attitude evident in my stance "You guys literally just walked in!" I jeered at them both and earned a sarcastic eye roll from Alec and a scoff from Jace. "We knocked" He stated nonchalantly immediately making me sneer in response.

"Yeah knocking 2.5 seconds before walking in isn't exactly the longest amount of time to get decent. We could've been naked!" I mock as Clary exits the bathroom and walks over to the mirror examining herself.

"Thank the angel you weren't"

I instantly snap my eyes in Alec's direction, my eyes narrowing into slits as I inhale the deepest breath of air before exhaling profoundly to stop myself from ripping off his fucking head. "Yeah, ok busboy. We all know you're a virgin, probably can't even name the female anatomy let alone to actually have seen it" I snapped irritantly making Jace choke on laughter before silencing himself due to the murderous look that Alec was currently wearing. "Yeah well- "Alec stops.

"How did that get there?" Clary exclaims whilst turning around and pointing to the other 'rune' that was on the side of her neck. "I drew that." Jace replied coolly whilst flicking through Clarys note pad. I smirk at Clary's angered face before walking to the chair opposite Alec and quickly sit down and pull on my black heels with the flowers descending down the sides.

"Okay, listen" Clary begins, whilst rapidly enclosing in on Jace her face serious, whilst Jace's expression wears a lazy smile and unconcerned eyes.

God, I get Jace has dealt with demons but messing with Clary when she's angry is like messing with ravenous dinosaur when it's on it's period. It is not pretty, like at all.

"I still don't get everything that's going on here, but you do not tattoo my neck. That's creepy." She explains slowly, her face infuriated as Jace nods deliberately, his smile almost sincere.

"Duly noted."

"I guess next time I'll just let you die." He adds, his usual smirk now plastered across his face as Clary almost gasps, her face anxious. "And it's not a tattoo. It's a rune, they have enormous power. Good for Shadowhunter's. Lethal for humans" Jace explains as Clary nods gradually, her body tensing as Jace comes closer, our drawing book in his hand.

He steps closer to Clary, making me quickly stand up, almost instinctively "But you, you already know all about runes, don't you?" He asks holding up our book for us both to see, and I immediately notice that the sketches Clary and I have done recently resemble what Jace has been calling 'runes'.

Clary shakes her head 'no' making Jace grin "Maybe you don't."

"Which is what makes you so interesting Clary Fray." He adds, his face strangely close to Clarys, and from where I'm standing I can see the heat rising up Clarys neck and face causing a blush to form over her almost ghostly pale cheeks.

I cough loudly causing them both to almost fling apart, probably forgetting there were others in the room, "The sexual tension in this room is ghastly" I goaded causing Clary to glare at me, her face red and hot, whilst a smirking Jace stood next to her.

"More like disgustingly gagable" Alec adds roughly, his voice appearing after so long I had remembered that he had been here the entire time. However, before I could comment he abruptly stood up and walked swiftly out the door.

Leaving me in a room with Blondie and my sexually frustrated sister.



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Hey Guys!

So this is chapter 6, what do you think??

Obviously there haven't been as many Alec and Camilla scenes but I wanted to get down the basics and set the foundation before getting down to the spilling all the tea on this relationship, you know??

Anyways, see you next chapter.



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