"Of course, it's not," he growled, taking another step closer. "But for one minute, Cass, can't you just stop and think?"

"About what?"

"About everything."

She watched him, his chest heaving and eyes wild. "What has gotten into you, Wil?"

"It's not me," he said desperately. "Gods, Cass- why can't you just see it?"

"What I'm seeing right now is an Assassin who's about to get his ass kicked out of my tent if he doesn't stop being so vague."

He let out a sardonic chuckle at that, shaking his head. "Lilia's disappearance. It never added up. I knew it didn't, but no one else saw it. I even tried to tell you, but you always wanted to believe him."

Cass felt her inner rage began to stoke at the mention of her sister's name. "Don't," was all she could say in warning. "Do not bring her into this."

"She has always been a part of this," he countered. "She was my friend too, Cass! And it kills me to see you like this, just as I know it kills her."

"Lilia is dead, Wil," she reminded him through clenched teeth, but still he shook his head with that cynical smirk on his face.

"There's just so much you don't know," he muttered.

"What are you talking about?" she pleaded, growing tired of his antics.

But he stopped, his gaze meeting hers once more. All skepticism disappeared from his face.

"I'm talking about how much I love you."

Cass wasn't certain she heard him correctly.

"I love you, Cass," he said again.

And that time she was certain she did.

"No, you don't," she huffed, moving to walk away from him, the panic in her stomach tangling like a barbed knot.

But his hand reached out, grabbing her arm before she could go any further. And he pulled her back towards him, against him, and his lips were on hers before she could move to push away.

But there was something in that kiss that kept Cass where she was- a tenderness, a need, and a desire she had never felt from anyone. Not even Baz...

"I've never known anything more than this," he breathed against her lips. "I knew it from the first time I saw you, years ago in that alley."

She didn't want to hear this. She couldn't hear this. Not today. Not ever.

But still, he kept talking.

"And I needed to tell you. I had to tell you before you-"

"Before I what?" she snapped, finally gaining the strength to push away from him.

His gaze darkened as he let her go, all tenderness disappearing from those eyes. "Before you promise yourself to a lying bastard and lock yourself into a life of deceit and forgery."

Cass has heard enough- her ears were ringing, and her head was pounding. Her heart wanted to escape her ribcage and her legs wanted to collapse underneath her. She wanted to punch Wil in the face and run from him, all while needing to know more and nothing at the same time. Her rage and confusion and uncertainty finally erupted into a flurry of exasperation where the only words she could muster were, "Get out."

Wil's countenance dropped. "What?"

"Get. Out," she clipped, each word short and succinct.

"But Cass-"

The desperation in his voice pulled at her heart- she knew now what those looks meant. Those silent pleas he would throw her way.

She would not have it.

"No- you don't get to do this. Not today. Not ever."

Wil looked shattered, but she couldn't care.

"In a couple of hours, I'm going to get married to the man I love," she hissed. "And there's nothing your jealous rantings can do to change a damn thing about it."

The pain in his eyes almost had her returning to his arms, apologizing for all of it, but she remained where she stood. Her clenched fists the only other outward sign of emotion as she held his attention.

"So, I'm going to say it once more, and only once more, because I summon our very Leader in here and tell him what you've done."

He opened his mouth to speak, but once again she cut him off.

"Get. Out."

Pursing his lips, he gave her one more look. There was no plea this time- no silent wish. Just a look of pure disgust.

Fine. Let him hate her. It will make things easier for both of them.

She didn't watch him leave, and the movement of the canvas was the only sound of his final departure.

And only then did she allow her shoulders to sink, and she closed her eyes as the actuality of what just transpired between them registered in her mind.

Wil loved her.

Had loved her.

All this time.

She wanted to hate him.

She could have hated him for it.

But did she?

The rustle of canvas again sounded behind her, and she whirled around, prepared for another fight. She had just told him to leave, and already he was back for another round?

"I thought I told you to-"

But Cass stopped mid-sentence when she realized it wasn't Wil who stepped into her tent.

She saw the blond hair first, draped over a bare shoulder while she wore a deep red dress too heavy for the season. The rage she felt towards the assassin was deflected and intensified as recognition set in.

Andro's whore.

She dared to enter her tent uninvited? Had she no idea who she was?

Maybe she did, for Cass brought her attention to her face, meeting her eyes for the first time since she saw her upon that rooftop.

Eyes so dark, they looked like raging embers as they burned into her gaze.

Her pulse quickened and this time she knew the sweat running down her back was not from the summer heat. She felt like she was seeing a ghost.

She was seeing a ghost.

A ghost whose voice she hadn't heard in a year.

"Hello, Cass..."

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