"Sorry, lover boy- get in line." I retorted, completely and utterly, uncaring. He pulled me back, his hand like an iron vice. How I longed for him to bruise me with his anger. I'm certain that those thoughts should not be on my mind. "You've been holding back." I said, trying to get him to let go; he gave me a look. "Fine. What do you want to talk about? I thought we came to a consensus. We both want to fuck each other, no strings attached. Or do you want strings attached? I find strings attached to be bothersome and too troubling." I spat, slipping out of his grasp and walking away, leaving him speechless for once in his extremely long life.

I knocked on the door of my father's study, and without hearing a reply, let myself in. "Father." I stated curtly. "Odin." My voice taking on a polite tone, Odin's eyes grew a little bigger, but he got up and was as polite as any man. When he kissed my hand I felt nothing, only the warmth of a human. No fire danced on my skin, only the hot breath. Why was I comparing him to Damarion? Oh, how he would've enjoyed knowing that trivial piece of information. "Gaetho Veleris, it's a pleasure to finally meet you. I've heard you are a spirited woman. Tell me what whiskey do you enjoy?"

With most men bluntness with a women was not appreciated but Odin had asked, so I would comply. "Strong, my Prince." His eyes lit up and I could tell he'd made the decision to ask for my hand- over a preference of alcohol, it's a wonder how he hasn't died yet. "If you shall excuse me. My Prince." I curtsied to him, "Father." My father nodded his head, excusing me from the study.

I walked aimlessly through the halls, occasionally dodging my sisters and avoiding my mother at all costs. After a while I found 'Marion walking in the same direction, so I took the opportunity to admire how broad his shoulders were and how his shirt seemed not to fit him- hadn't I already mentioned that? And how tightly his sleeves clung to the muscle beneath the fabric. He was a heart throb- again I state, the rumors followed him like moths to a light. I followed him silently for a while before I sensed my mother around the next corner; quickly I pulled him into another room. "What? Come to apologize?" He asked, venom and sarcasm dripping in his words. "No, I came to save you from my mother. She's across the hall in the library nook. She stays there reading for a couple hours."

At that point I had turned to see which room we were in, it was my study. Which meant I could get to my room. Which meant we could get out. "Which room is this?" His tone had softened but it still held an iron ring, "Gaetho. What have I done to you to deserve this? If you must hear me say it, I will. I love you." I froze-for only a moment and continued towards the door. Confession time had come but the words froze in my throat, he did not mean it, not truly, it was too rushed- as if he felt the need to entrap me. "I know. Now follow me."

He followed me silently into my bedroom and I promptly locked the door behind us. "Why are we in your bedroom?" I gave him a look. "We do have more than physical attraction for each other. Don't we? It would make more sense." I said, asking my own question. "Yes." He responded immediately. "Then why am I lusting after you?" I implored, digging deeper, my eyes showing more emotion than my face. "Because that's the strongest emotion that you're feeling right now. Let's give into it." I let out the breath I did not know I was holding, "Tha- that would... Um.... Not be.... Wise?" I shakily said, hesitating and unsure of how this would play out, wanting it to play out the way it was headed. "Would it be?" His voice had dropped an octave, and what a sinful voice that was. In general, though, he was a sin.

I hesitated. "Yes." Nearly choking out the word, "No." He stepped closer. "Yes." My voice a little stronger now, "No." His taking on a commanding tone. Gods! Did he know what he was doing to me? Of course he did, he was Damarion Altheos. His already dark orbs were black and he stepped closer his hands running up and down my arms, lightly but enough to put me on edge. "No, we-" I was cut off by the door opening and Damarion stepped a couple feet away from me.

"There you both are! Why in the world are you in her bedroom?" Daemon asked, his sea green eyes questioning. "I was giving him a tour. Why would like to join us?" My eyes gleaming with mischief. I heard Damarion sharply inhale and Daemon lock his jaw and inhale as well. "No, if that's, um, alright with you?" His voice was constricted and I wondered if Damarion noticed. "Yes, that is alright. It just would've been more fun to play with more than one person." I felt Damarion's eyes on me, could sense his stance, his pulse had gone up and it did not match his breathing.

So, acting calm will save you? I thought. I turned away from Daemon and back to Damarion, "Let us continue, yes?" He nodded. I heard the lock click and I knew the façade could be dropped. "Your heart rate does not match your breathing." Simply stating what I could hear. His jaw tightened. I heard the ring of bells signaling dinner. "It's six o'clock. Time for dinner, will you escort me?" He nodded his head and offered me his arm as we left my room.

We reached the dining room and he immediately became the beautiful person I had first met- the powerful political figure that sat to the right of the Queen of Astapor. I honed in on everyone's conversations, Odin, Daemon, and my father were talking politics; my sisters were talking about how I always managed to snag the good-looking men, I felt a change in the air next to me and turned slightly to see that Damarion had a small smirk on his face.

"You heard that too?" I asked quietly, "Of course." He replied, his whole aura changed, he was amused. I tuned into the conversation Fredrick had tried to start with Mother. "Mom please! You should not be so hard on her. She is the last of her line. Her mother and her brother are dead!" So he was pleading for me, why? "No, I am as hard on her as the other girls." That was a lie. She cleared her throat, appearing flustered.

"Please, all sit." We all complied, sitting nearest to whom we were next to. My parents taking the heads of the table, Fredrick to the right of mother, Edward sitting close to his brother, Lucille to the left, Daemon to Fredrick's right, Odin next to him, I chose to sit on the opposite side of the table across from Odin, next to my father and Damarion who was next to both of my sisters. Poor him.

"Miss. Veleris." Odin said, his voice tense.

"Mr. Borson." My voice full of amusement and mischief. I re-adjusted so that he had a better view of my bosom. I heard Damarion chuckle lightly beside me and I laughed airily as Odin's eyes grew slightly larger. He will fall for it though. Damarion thought, inside my head. Up until this point I had not realized that Damarion could speak in my head. How? I asked him, marveling at the bond, We're linked. Do you honestly know nothing? He chuckled a little and the fact that only I could hear it turned me on more than it should have. So can you- I was interrupted, Can I go through your memories? No. Can I feel what you're feeling? Yes. You can close the link, but I don't think you'd like that idea. The fact that he knew me better than I knew me scared me. So, you know that I'm aroused? I could hear him nearly choke on his drink, he didn't make it obvious but my hearing had enhanced. Yes.... I do know that. And I could possibly make it worse. But- just think about it, I could be fucking you right now on this table, you wouldn't be complaining either.

It was my turn to choke and I did. I told everyone that I was fine and that the liquid had gone down wrong. While stabbing Damarion's foot with my heel, he was chuckling lowly. Why?!?! I just choked and you couldn't even keep your laughing to yourself! And you did make it worse.... Please do not say things like that at dinner! It was hard enough already not to fuck him then and there due to the fact he was purposely touching me, brief brushes of his hand against mine and, (I'm blaming this one on the fact that my sisters were all over him), his thigh was firmly pressed against mine. So it's dinner now? Mm, here I thought we both decided to get married and I was having dinner with a prince and you decided you weren't going to marry him.

I turned and looked at him. A strong questioning glare locked in my eyes and on my face. He turned and smirked, "Can I help you?" He asked, struggling to keep the amusement out of his voice. "Yes, yes you can." I replied my eyes glaring at him still. I was aware that the table had ceased movement but I didn't care, I just wanted him out of my head for a moment. "Can you pass the salt?" My voice as innocent as a child's. He laughed. Actually laughed. And, by the heavens, it was beautiful. He nodded his head yes and then he gave me the salt.

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