Chapter 20: Sunday

Start from the beginning

"I love you so much Avery." I say.

"I love you too. Hoes before bros?" She asked and I laughed.

"Hoes before bros." we intersected pinkies and continued to play around the House.

"I love you so much Avery." I say before kissing her lifeless forehead. Walking to my mom side of the place I looked at he. I told my self that they are just sleeping beauties and the'll wake up at true loves. Not that they are dead. They looked peacefully asleep even thought they died in such a horrible way.

"Mom You  know I love you right?" I put a big grin on my face.

"Oh Lord what is it?" She rolled her eyes, laughinI walked up to her. She knows me so well.

"Lionel wants to come and meet you." I say and she smiles.

"Why, I feel so honered i've been waiting for some time now." She plays. I laugh at her and kissed her cheek.

" Is that a yes?" I ask barley able to keep the excitement out of my voice.

"Yes, it's a yes." She says.

"Yayy! I love you mom your the best." I kissed her cheek again.

"I love you to baby girl." She laughs as I skip up the scares.

Shaking my head I grabbed the casket for support. I breathe out heavily before kissing her cold cheek.

"Bye mother. I love you so much." I say and wipe the unwanted tears that snuck it's way down my cheek. Walking back to the front row I sat down and took my seat.

Sunshine on my left and Jacob on my right. On Sunsihine's other side was Johnathan then Keynna, Then Christian. On the other side of Jacob was Keenan, then Lucy, then Andrew, then Angel, Than Demetrius. All the boys looked handsome and the girls looked beautiful. Sniffing the preacher began to pray and talked as if he knew my mother and sister. Of course he didn't know them. He's words were nothing but they were good people and they didn't deserve to die. Or we should be happy or there in a better place. Small sentences but false words. Words that's supposed to make you fel better about the death of the two. But it only pissed me off more. It only made me angry that they were gone. It only drained me out. I didn't want the sorries the pastor kept offering because it wasn't gonna bring my mom and sister back. It was just going to remind me that they are gone and they are never gonna come back.

"Now, if we can all bring our attention to a very loyal young lady who's been through alto latley as she talk alittle about her mother and sister. Teynana please come up." The pastor spoke. The most terrifying words he could've said. I stood up not making eye contact with any one iI kept my shades on so  no one can see my eyes.

Looking up I could see all the said eyes and sympathetic frowns. Some neighbors and faces I didn't know came to show their sympathy. It was alot of people mean to much sympathy. They didn't feel the pain I felt so why come?

I cleared my throat and brought my lips near the microphone. I didn't trust my voice but I had to take the risk.

"Thank you all for coming to day to help me get through this very horrible time. I appreciated it." I said. I took a deep breathe before continuing.

"My mom was the......the sweetest and my sister was the best.." I looked at everyone starring for me to continue. I was so over whelemd, so much had happen. "They didn't deserve to go. An the way they left this world was all sorts of wrong. I blamed my self fo this in everyway. " Un wanted tears made their way done my face. "The way the devil choose his path was evil.... and.. and.." I could't do it. I ran off the stage into the churches bathroom. Crying I sobbed hard.

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