Trouble At The Borders

Start from the beginning

Auni nod her head once more. She smiles gentle and nuzzles me warmly.  "Yes Heri, I do agree on everything that you had just explained. You are correct! We should continue taking our time and just relax our furs a bit. We still have a lot of adjusting to encounter in this new life that we are about to enter in real soon. We're now engaged, expecting to have a baby, and are going to become the next King and Queen right after your parents. The newest generation of the circle of life will depend on us. Our baby's future and everyone else's is in our paws!"

I nod, "Yes love, I am all aware of that. Like you've just told me before, we will be fine! If we ever need guidance or confused on something, we can always rely on my parents or the Great Kings above us for any assistance."


We continue walking but now with silence. So many thoughts are running through our minds right now. Although it is a lot to adjust and process everything inside of our heads about being a King and Queen, Auni and I will still be okay. No one is perfect, life is full of mistakes. You will just have to quickly learn from it and know in the future to not do it again. That's all! I am sure my parents and grandparents both have all made mistakes while ruling. All it did in the end is make them stronger, wiser, and great leaders.

In years to come, Auni and I will destined to be just like them.

"Hey, what's that smell?" Auni asks randomly, breaking me away from my quiet thoughts.

She stops walking and so do I.

"What smell, Auni?" I question.

The cool late morning winds kick in. It blows amongst our furry bodies and had brushed an unfamiliar scent underneath my black nose.

I raise a brow looking puzzled as I try to figure out this strange scent. "Hmmm, I don't know what it is. It's definitely something new and may not belong here in the Pride Lands. I should go check it out and see what it might be."

"I'll come with you!"

"No, you go back home to Pride Rock Auni. I can do this on my own! This could be dangerous and I don't want anything to harm you or our unborn baby. That'll be the death of me!"

"I'm sure it's nothing too serious for me to go back home, Heri. If it was, Kion and his team would have been on the alert. I think they're still out on patrol anyway." Auni replied. "Let's just continue our walk and hope that it's nothing bad." She suggested.

I look unsure and pace myself around a little. "I don't know Auni. I think I should go solve this one. As future King, this is my chance to show our pride again that I am determined, loyal, and brave. What if my Uncle Kion didn't come across this strange scent? He could be back at Pride Rock now while this is going on!"

"You do have a point there...but what about me? I'm your future Queen! I should be able to tag along too. Sometimes a King does have his Queen at his side while handling situations, no matter if it is too dangerous or not. A Queen will literally risk her life just keep her King, pride members, and Kingdom safe. A King expects his Queen to be there always supportive and that is what i am trying to do with you now. We could use each other's smart instincts and help Heri! Just please let me come. I promise to stay out of the way and hide if it does become way too dangerous for me and our future baby."

"Alright, fine. You can come Auni! Just please stay very close at my side."

She nods, "I will, I promise!"

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