"Okay... I'll go there,"she said weakly. Jungkook quickly grabbed her hand before she's turning around.

"Wait, I'll drop you there," Jungkook asked Sana to wait as he walked inside to get his car key and coat. Not long after that he's back and lead Sana to his car.

Jungkook during their way to the office, steal glances to Sana beside him. The girl looked so gloomy, no wonder she is still trauma with what she experienced before. He's not less worried like Jimin and Suga, he knew that what Sana got was too much. He wanted to comfort her throughout text but he doesn't have her number anymore since she changed it already.

He wanted to comfort and encourage her but he's confused what he must tell her.

"Noona...,"he cleared his throat. Sana averted her gaze to her right side.

"You know we're in your side. I...I mean, I can be your support system...,"Jungkook regretted what he's saying, it's like he's courting her. But Sana didn't react too much.

"I mean, if you need me I'll be there for you,"Jungkook cussed inside his mind. He's really looks like he's courting her.

"Thanks Jungkook... I feel better now,"Jungkook was stunned when Sana smiled when he's worrying about his cheesy words.

They didn't talk much until they arrived at Bighit building. Jungkook leaded her to the practice room that Hoseok always use. He bid his goodbye in front of the room before Sana enter.

"Jungkook-ah!"Sana called when the younger one walked away. Jungkook turned around.

"Thank you,"she smiled genuinely made Jungkook's heart went mad. He knew he can't feel that anymore to her since he's in love with someone else right now and Sana is not for him since the start.

Sana entered the practice room and found Hoseok is dancing while watching his moves inside the mirror wall in front of him.

She halted her step when she realized why she's here. Why she's looking for him? When she's in her lowest condition. But then again, she gained her courage by seeing him in front of her. She realized, she needs him to strengthen herself when she's weak.

A tear fell to her cheek when she realized that Hoseok is her real support system. He has been away from her for a long time, and if it's not because Sehun, she's getting weak and weaker day by day receiving the amount of hate she's facing right now.  She quickly wiped away her tears when Hoseok realized he has another company. He stopped dancing.

"Sana?"he asked while staring at her throughout the mirror.

"I want to find peace, sorry if I bother you...,"she said, still on her feet.

Hoseok immediately turned around and walked closer to her. He knew what's gotten into her. He knew that she got the public harassment. His heart clenched upon seeing her while thinking about that. And she's here.

Sana once again tried to figure it out why she needs Hoseok when she received the threat. He has been so far away for months why she felt so weak now? She ducked her head and while she's like that, Hoseok almost reached her shoulders but he backed away.

"Am I the peace you're looking for?"he asked. Sana nodded.

"No. It's not me Sana...,"he said. Sana raised her head to look at Hoseok's face. His gaze was nothing but indifferent. Sana gulped, she didn't know where the hell she was going wrong? Why the hell their relationship turned like this. Why is Hoseok changed?

"But there's something I want to tell you... I'm sorry for what happened to you... You know I want to comfort you but I can't. Now when you're here, remember this Sana... you're loved... Your parents, the girls, your best friends, your boyfriend. So no matter how hard things are now, they're your power and support system. Don't be sad,"he lowered his body to face Sana properly but hearing all of that, Sana couldn't raise her face at all.

"I know...thank you Oppa,"she said. Hoseok wanted to hug her but he didn't do that. While Sana, she clenched her fists trying to collect the pieces of her shattering heart right now. Why is it like Hoseok is throwing her away? Why it feels harder than breaking up?

Losing your best friend especially he's the one you depend the most is harder than she ever imagined.

Why Hoseok broke all of her hopes for being his bestfriend?

Sana's POV:

After I listen to his words, a massive pain appeared in my heart. His words, his gaze, everything is so different. Although he's still warm and kind, although he's still driving me back home and telling me that I'm too precious to get all the hate, he's not the old Hobi that I know.

I guess we're not like we were before. He's not the same Hobi Oppa whom I know. He's different.

I was starting at him during our way to my dorm, trying to figure out what's happening with us. I'm still amazed that a friendship can break too just like couple do.

"Thanks,"that's what I said when we arrived at my dorm.

"Why...,"he asked without looking at me.

"Your smile give me strength although I received death threat two hours ago. Now I can stand anymore... goodnight Oppa,"I said before I hopped out from his car.

I don't look back again. I don't want to get hurt or cry anymore. Although a crystal liquid formed again in the corner of my eye, I only wiped it with my finger and entered the building.

Our relationship is drawing apart..

It's fading away...

Hoseok's POV:

"Your smile give me strength although I received death threat two hours ago. Now I can stand anymore... goodnight Oppa,"

Time as if it's stopped after I heard that from Sana. I'm frozen.

Before I can move and reach her again, she already entered the building. I punched the steering wheel and brushed my hair back in frustration. I knew something is off with her, I thought that's because the egg event but never I thought she would receive a death threat. If she's that affected that it means she's really terrified. Maybe the one who gave her the death threat is the one who threw the egg that's why she was looking for him.

She fckin told me that she wants to find peace. Yet probably I gave her another sorrow by acting like I'm done being her bestfriend.

Why am I acting like this? She's suffering right now, why am I chasing her away?

Guys if you felt that this story is too depressing, don't worry, me too. I wrote this and in the end I'm depressed by my own story 😐
Please hang on...the end is closer.
But maybe I'll make one or two smut chapters just to freshen your mind 😂 (well underage can pass haha)

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